Monday, October 20, 2008


Yup, we’re all saying it now and many of us die hearts have given in and turned on our heat, right? Hey, when the temp gets down in the low 30s or even dipping in the 20s it is time to get the chill outta the house!

My trip to Syracuse was lovely – the foliage is over but there was still some sunny scenes and watching leaves fall is fun too, especially when they are falling in someone else’s yard! Managed to get a little shopping done but we didn’t do much kitchen gadget searching this weekend. Sis didn’t feel too good and it was chilly and besides, we don’t mind just hanging at home and swapping stories. Trying to convince each other this or that happened during our childhood has become a fun game which usually results in; “you wouldn’t remember this, because this is when you were sent to live in that Foster home” [no that never happened].

I needed new tennis shoes and read that even if you no longer jog but walk for exercise, you should buy a jogging shoe. It has more arch support and cushion. Makes sense, right? I also informed the clerk that I wanted a tennis shoe that fit and I wasn’t interested in breaking the sucker in—the shoe needed to feel like it was made for my foot and only my foot! Damn if that wasn’t the case – I was in foot heaven and decided to wear them outta the store – they were that comfy! And yes, I wore them on my walk this morning too. Gosh, amazingly my knees didn’t ache as much nor my back, could it mean I have on decent tennis shoes? You bet your sweet butt it does!!!

I had errands to run to day and purchased – ready for this – Yoga for beginner’s DVD and strap. I have no idea what the strap is for but I’m sure when I pop in the DVD this will be explained. As mention this is for “BEGINNERS,” and supposedly is a 10 minute solution. Huh? Oh, 10-minute workouts to shape up my body – oh man, it’s gonna take more than ten minutes! Here’s what happens in this workout:

· Yoga for balance and flexibility
· Yoga for strength and toning
· Energizing flow Yoga
· Core strength
· Stress relief Yoga

Gosh I can hardly wait to get started but first, I shall work up a sweat getting the damn plastic off the DVD so I can watch the show. I prefer to watch it a few times, visualizing me doing this stuff and eventually I’ll try it too. You see I’m slowly working my way toward an inside exercise program – I will continue to go outside and love snow shoeing and still learning how to cross country ski, but I know some days an inside routine will be helpful too. Oh come on, I am not some exercise nut – I just know I would like a bit more flexibility and shifting some of this weight about is nice too (losing it is better and one does lose but first, shifting seems to be happening.).

Oh I did buy some mums in Syracuse and have them planted in – I really need more Mums – mine look kind of lonely in this huge flower bed with no other flowers? Oh well, if I can find more I shall buy more. What? A tad late to start this mum business? Who said so? One has to try, experiement and being different is fun too! So my mums are being planted now, mum's the word!

Have a nice week and yes, I shall write more as the week moves along unless I’m tied in some Yoga position and unable to move!


Anonymous said...

I think you should video tape the yoga routine and post it on your blog


Pat said...

Bubba, you are having as nightmare and you keep on having it because that is the only way you'll ever see a video of me and yoga!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! You should do the yoga on your giant ball!! THat would be a challenge! :0)