Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Ya, I know, we all are sick of this wet weather and guess what, even Florida that usually wants rain is sick of it now too. Considering this state was mostly underwater and swamp land to begin with, lots of rain tends to make them nervous, like they’re reverting back to the wetlands or something.

Anyway, there’s a small break in the weather and I’m headed outside for my morning walk, wish me luck – I’ll either complete it dry and cool or return soaked to the bone – either way, I’ll have gone on my walk – now that my friends is determination or bloody stupidity, take your pick.

Now for some nonsense news briefs – what the hell, it’s raining again and this is better than some deep, philosophical crap none of us understands or wants to read.

According to TV Guide, Charlie Sheen is TV's highest paid actor, taking home an estimated $825,000 an episode for his work on TV's top sitcom, CBS' Two and a Half Men. (That includes ownership in the show.) CSI star and exec producer William Petersen follows with $600,000 an episode. As for the women, Law & Order: SVU's Mariska Hargitay comes in first with a payday of $400,000, while The Closer's Kyra Sedgwick is runner-up with $275,000. [Damn, this made my day – I want to be on TV and get paid like this? My show – BS and More!]

I’m not usually one to get into politics (unless I’m hammered and up for a good debate) but John McCain must really be losing his marbles. He volunteered his wife Cindy to compete in a beauty pageant that often has topless, and sometimes bottomless, women in it. I bet Cindy was thrilled!
“I was looking at the Sturgis schedule, and noticed that you had a beauty pageant, so I encouraged Cindy to compete,” McCain said at a rally in Sturgis, South Dakota.
“I told her [that] with a little luck, she could be the only woman to serve as both the First Lady and Miss Buffalo Chip,” he added. columnist Jim Caple wrote that one scene at the pageant resulted in a woman “dancing naked on a bar top.” [Oh ya, I like this candidate like I like a dentist appointment – ye gads!]

Now this one really will rock your boat – hang on kids this is just too good:

Lisa Marie Presley broke the news to ET Tuesday that she's having twins with hubby Michael Lockwood, and now mom Priscilla Presley has the dish on her upcoming bundles of joy!
"It's her time to celebrate with her husband," Priscilla tells our own Mark Steines. "My daughter is a very family girl. She loves children, and I know that she and Michael have been hoping for this for a long time."
Priscilla says that twins run in the family "on Elvis' side and on my side too. I have twin brothers, and then, of course, Elvis had a twin brother [that died at birth]."
"You kind of start seeing double," she says with a laugh, adding that at home, "We don't say grandma, we say 'Nona' -- it means 'Grandma' in Italian. There's just such a connotation with Grandma and I just liked it better. [Lisa Marie's children] say it so sweet: 'Nona.'" [sorry Priscilla I am not buying that "such connotation to the word Grandma -- you just think by saying Nona it deflects from the reality that you are a grandmother -- ye gads. Hey, what’s with all the facial enhancements?]

Okay, I have completed my walk and the rain held off – its back to raining now, and have cooled down, so it’s off to the showers. I was considering visiting the county fair today but sorry, even I don’t care to walk about in the rain – yuck. So, I shall curl up with a book and call it a day. OR I could come back and post something else later on – ya, whatever floats my boat, right?

An elderly man went to his doctor and said, "Doc, I think I'm getting senile. Several times lately, I have forgotten to zip up." "That's not senility," replied the doctor. "Senility is when you forget to zip down."

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