Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Only snow shoe when the wind is calm or you could end up looking like this -- harder than hell to keep your balance but if you do manage, it's grand fun.

Oh come on, poking fun at yourself is good for the mind (anyone know where mine is?)

I get a kick out of the various names our weather personnel assign to our weather scenes and conditions. The latest, which I can’t recall seeing before is “hazardous winter storm warning.” This was the "warning" earlier on my computer and it changed quickly, gee why did that happen? They didn't think the word was proper? Holy sheet -- these weather folks have got way too much time on their hands to dream up blaring adjectives to describe our weather. Anyway, here's the latest storm warning:

A total snow accumulation of 8 to 12 inches is expected by late tonight. Snow will be heavy at times this afternoon and early this evening. The snow will taper off to snow showers after midnight tonight.A Winter Storm Warning for heavy snow means severe winter weather conditions are expected or occurring. Significant amounts of snow are forecast that will make travel dangerous. Only travel in an emergency. If you must travel... keep an extra flashlight... food... and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency.

See, I told ya, there's nothing in this to justify "hazardous," right?

Hey, don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great they can advise us but a storm is a storm, right Forrest?
Oh here's a new one -- ready for this -- freezing snow fog! What the hell, are we having a bad hair day or what? Make up your mind, it's either freezing snow or fog but freezing fog, are you for real?

Yes, I was out in this snowy mess – only a short time tho…like that makes me smarter than the average bear! After completing my morning workout I headed home and after a small slip and slide as I got on Route 56, I slammed Ruby into part time 4-wheel drive and headed home. The roads are slick and as more snow comes down they'll get worse but slow down and pay attention and you'll do just fine. What is bad are those damn bumper-riders—tailgaters or whatever you wish to call those assholes that insist on riding your bumper. Ya, we all have to endure them and one of these days, someone is gonna stop, get out and head to their car and slap them silly and maybe then, they'll back OFF!

As I sit here and look out my front window this stuff is coming down with a major purpose in mind, what that purpose is I have no idea because we already have a covering of white so I guess, a deeper cover is the purpose. The story goes we should see 10 to 12 inches of more white stuff, ain’t that just special! I just got my snowshoe trail all packed down and now, well, sheet, I’ll have to start over – damn Mother Nature she can be rude as hell at times!

Well, you all stay warm and once this stuff stops, well, we’ll dig ourselves out and talk about how much white stuff fell and how we hope spring arrives early this year. Yes, this was a very entertaining blog today -- bite me --- oh hell, just smile and know life is good. Come on, we're above ground and breathing, that is GOOD!

I don’t need a calendar to know its winter. I can just ask one of the mice who moved in to warm up!
Amaryllis is done for now -- duh!

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