Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Think About It------

I know we all have tried and endured various diet plans, right? And somewhere in the midst of all this we finally decide this one works or it’s better than any other tried, right?

We also got over the crap and realize that pills don’t work and we need to get off our lazy butts and move – so for many of us, this was simple – we started walking. Well, we always walked but now we walk for us and our health. We don’t race and we walk as far as we want and eventually we found ourselves enjoying this private time (or with friends) and slowly we noticed changes. Our clothes weren’t so tight, we weren’t catching our breath just moving across the room and hey, we started to lose weight! Our overall health and outlook was just more positive and for reasons we don’t really understand (we ain’t doctors) we have more energy and feel better!

Then we decided to start weighing ourselves – once a week we’d do this and what the hell, we’d even measure our stomach, hips, thighs and upper arms. And we picked a day of the week to do this and the day before our weigh-in we starved ourselves in the hope this would see a drop in weight! Hey, at first this was great but slowly we tossed aside that measuring business, and although we disliked the damn scale, as we dropped a few pounds, we decided this wasn’t such a bad animal after all. Okay, we’re into the zone now!

Wham! What the hell happened? We changed our eating habits, we used some daily point system, we drank lots of water, we walked (many of us at least 2 miles each day) and occasionally we blow it, we have an extra cookie or beer, but come on, one day of screwing up and we discovered we ain’t dropped one flippin pound all week? But hey, we didn’t gain any weight either, so that was good. HOWEVER, do we want to maintain at this weight?

HELL NO! So now what in hell do we do? Keep doing the same thing or change diets? Why we stick with the one we got and you know why? Because we ain't gaining and at some point, if we continue doing what we have been doing, we'll drop pounds and eventually get to that goal we set for ourselves. I'm not saying we set unrealistic goals, at least I didn't -- no way in hell I'm ever gonna be 6 pounds 13 ounces but hey, a little lighter would be nice!
Time for a topic change, don’t ya love how my mind flips and flops? Ya, like yours stays the course all the time – give me a break – stop smiling, we are more alike than different, fool!

Now here’s another way to look at the upcoming election.

A president's pension currently is $191,300 per year, assuming the next president lives to age 80. Sen. McCain would receive ZERO pension as he would reach 80 at the end of two terms as president. Sen Obama would be retired for 26 years after two terms and would receive $4,973,800 in pension.Therefore it would certainly make economic sense to elect McCain in November.

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