Thursday, January 22, 2009


I just read that President Obama re-took the Oath of Office -- well, ain't that special. No mistakes this time and everything went smoothly...gotta love the class this man constantly shows us, right?

Oh I thought you'd enjoy some photos -- I had fun taking them and some --well-- legally I was not suppose to be where I was and the fine was $75 if caught -- nope, didn't get caught and did no harm, so all is good.

Did my morning snowshoeing and it was fit-tastic! I was on such a roll I even lost count how many times I went around the back yard, then around the entire house. Suffice to say, it was a grand workout. Then I got stupid and decided to do a little shoveling, stupid is as stupid does -- and I does not shovel and now I remember why -- that is way too much work in my book!!! My poor ole back can't handle that stuff, no way. Hey, it was only 26 degrees outside but that wind, well, let's just say it was brisk at best. And it never stopped snowing either --damn, it was fun!


Anonymous said...

Did you go out walking too?? Or did you take Ruby Red out for a drive to get those frozen pics?? :0)

Pat said...

Nope, Moonbeam, took those photos on Tuesday -- great ice shots, eh? Ruby Red is doing nicely but today she sits in the garage while I work my thighs and legs off.

Love snowshoeing but miss my walks -- however, me and ice don't mix well, so for now snowshoes work.