Sunday, January 18, 2009


Norwood Lake looks so peaceful and cold with this cover of white.

Soon more snowmobilers will ride over and some fisherman may try their luck, if they can withstand the cold temps. Ya gotta love winter!!

Oh what the hell, everyone else has a week of review, why not me? Might not be as exciting as the national, state or local review week but hey, it’s still a real review of a real person in a real world.

Monday: -- not a bad day at all. Got up and went to Curves and did my morning workout and felt good. Came home, did some laundry, cleaning and had lots of energy. TV sucked but what else is new!

Tuesday -- this was the day I would (1) stop procrastinating and get back into snowshoeing and (2) have at least two brain farts to prove I was alive and normal. The brain farts included memory lapse of how to put on the damn snowshoes and then, how to get them off! Ya, this was definitely rocket science at its highest level…holy sheet!

Wednesday ---the temps were now 8 below zero and it was bloody ass cold. And my 1999 jeep is now beginning to whine a bit and make ya wonder if she’ll turn over. And of course, everyone is saying the same original statements: “Damn it’s cold out thar!” Ya think?

Thursday---Now my week begins to truly challenge me. The temp on the deck was -27 and that is subzero temps in my book. I have a doctor’s appointment so I “need” my car but it wants to whine and make starting a real nasty exercise. Finally I give in and call Hubby and admit defeat and he’s gotta come get me and haul me to this appointment. While I wait for him, I try my car one more time and this time it starts but I gotta sit in it and push the gas down for awhile to “heat” things up. Even in the garage this was a cold number and I was not exactly happy. Later in the afternoon the jeep starts and all is good or so I think.

Friday--Jeep whines a little but starts and again, we go to Curves and I do my workout and this time, as I want the car to have a workout too, drive home the back roads and snap a few more winter photos – and yes, burn up more gas.

Saturday ---Now the jeep will truly show her true colors and make it known she’s had enough of this crap![she can be a real bitch at times].Oh she starts but she whines and isn’t too happy. I leave her idling while I visit my daughter and then as we go out and think we are headed into town, the sucker is not running. My son-in-law checks it and the battery is dead. He gets it charged up and advises me to go to Advance Auto and get a new battery. Hey, for ten years she’s had the same battery and had been telling me all week, I want a new battery. Did I listen? Hell no, did I today, hell yes! And once installed and running nicely that lovely “check engine light” that has bugged my mechanic for weeks is finally off for good (I think). Bottom line a new battery is cheaper than a new car and I happen to like my jeep (definitely like no car payments).

Sunday --- Yes, I will watch football games, that is a given, right? Also having the Kel and Dan over for dinner, which means we all can play various Wii games, which is always fun. I’ll do a little bit of laundry just to make sure I don’t sit too long (damn dryer doesn’t fold clothes; I gotta me a new one).

And starting Monday the Australian Tennis Open begins, and you know how I love TENNIS. I’ll be glued to the TV set – well, not entirely – gotta do my Curves workout and want to snowshoe next week too. Oh the weight loss – three pounds this past week – gained three over the holidays and have lost it so I am back on track (or is that schedule?). Ya I suppose I should start my jeep just to insure it will start and that battery was the problem and has been fixed, right?

So that was my week– hope you all managed to stay warm, had a chance to get outside and if you had a few brain farts, well, join the group, just proves we’re alive and normal. In other words, don’t think you need some support group or this is early dementia it’s just a temporary memory freeze.


Anonymous said...

Ahh, Car trouble! Isn't it FUN?? LOL!! :0)

Nice Deer photo! Where'd you take that? :0)

Pat said...

Moonbeam, deer photo was taken at Kel and Dan's place -- they always have deer. Dan feeds them along with the birds. And no, this is not entrapment, he does not hunt where he feeds deer.

Car is fixed as far as I can tell, she was a bitch but now she is good again. Gotta love it!