Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Was this day REAL?

Man, today was just amazing. A tad confusing too. I mean at 6:30 the temp was 8 degrees, then around 9 it was 23 degrees and as the day moved along, the temp kept rising -- at one point hitting 42 degrees! Plus we had sun shine too. I know for a little bit, the sun went to Syracuse but it did come back and my sister said it was cold down there and they needed some sunshine too. Ya, we can share as long as nobody becomes a hog!

So, while I'm enjoying this weather, I took photos -- of course, I now you get to enjoy them too...lovely, eh? Look I will purchase a bird book soon so I can identify these creatures but for now, just look and enjoy, okay?

Just a reminder, to see a bigger picture, click on it and another screen will pop up. Then use the back arrow to get back to this blog site...easy as pie (who in hell said pie was easy?)

Okay,as far as I know,these are crows and man, there are way too many count and in some cases, they are as big as turkeys.

Today they must have called a meeting because they sure as hell were making a lot of noise.

Now I believe this is a Morning Dove -- it emits a rather sweet tune but that tune can become annoying after awhile.

Now these birds never miss a chance to eat and constantly remain around the feeders. After my son-in-law shared what seed he buys, I followed suit and now I too have the same type of birds at my feeder. Cute,eh?

This is just an interesting snowmobile trail over the Norwood Lake -- yes, the boat launch area. Kind of cool, eh?

Well, that's it for today -- tomorrow is suppose to be just as nice with temps near the 40's again. So, get outside and soak up that natural Vitamin D.

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