Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Some Days.......

Ever have one of those days when for awhile, everything is going just right?  I mean, you get things done, which amaze you that it was that simple to do, you run errands and while you're getting a tad tired, you still feel you want to do more?  Ya, it was that kind of day yesterday.

Weather was absolutely beautiful, in the mid-60s and even the breeze was half way warm, I still needed a light coat tho --my internal thermostat is off whack since my surgery.  I had blood work done early, and I gotta laugh, the band aid put on my arm to stop any bleeding was HUGE.  Hell, it was bigger than some surgical cover-ups! Cracked me up!  Then I went to get some food, fasting is the pits, and finally over to Hanaford's for the lovely 49 cents a pound turkeys.  Only one per customer but hell, at that price, shop a couple days in a row, eh?  Now, I only wanted a 12-pound turkey, already have a 24 pounder for my dau to cook on turkey day. Ended up with a 16-pound sucker and for reasons I still am puzzled about, that sucker was heavy and just damn awkward to pick up and put in the cart.  Even worse was getting it into my freezer once I got home (I did it but it was just awkward).

Gonna try this idea for baking the turkey, you ready for this? No-baste, no-bother turkey.  Clean, wash and dry turkey, stuff cavity with 2 stalks of celery, 1 carrot and one medium-size sweet onion half. Now you preheat the oven to 500.  You rub butter, salt and pepper inside the cavity and outside. Put on roasting rack and add 2 cups of boiling water (ya cover the sucker too).  When oven temp returns to 500, cook for one hour.    Then, this is where it gets wild, turn off the oven and do not open door until oven cools (4 to 6 hours).  Remove turkey from roasting pan; reserve pan juices and that's it, a nice moist turkey, let set, then carve and serve or refrigerate if you want to eat it later.  How simple is this?

I love Thanksgiving, its my favorite holiday and all the cooking and preparing is just part of the fun.  For the past few years my dau has been preparing this meal and that is fine, I still get to contribute, which makes it even more fun.  However, we like to have our own turkey to nibble on the next day, hence the 16 pound extra turkey!  Ya, like you didn't have that figured out, eh?

By the way, remember when you had to sit at the little table?  I often wonder if people still do this because now, I don't see any "kid's table," everyone gathers round the dining room table and squeezes for space.  Tell ya what, once seated, you're stuck because getting up for any reason, would mean five other people would also need to move and that ain't gonna happen without some nasty comments, like; "damn, woman, didn't you go before you climbed in there?"  Or "whatta mean, you gotta get another beer, ask someone, they'll get you one, sit down you dumb jerk!"

Here's an interesting tidbit to make your day:  What is the food most often stolen to taken from a grocery store? Cheese, can you believe it?  Rates right up there with learning Brad Pitt plans to stop acting in three years (got enough money I guess) and instead, he wants to direct and/or write movies...how quaint!

Ya, ya, back to the lovely day and how it quickly changes.  I was returning the crib I had borrowed to my sister-in-law (who is currently in Germany) and hoped her grandson would be there to help me unload it.  He wasn't but no big deal, I figured I'd back up closer to the back door to make this a tad easier. Shit and double shit, I ran into her garage (didn't do any damage to it,) but smashed my tailight. Now I gotta get this sucker replaced and it was a lovely day until this incident!

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