Monday, October 22, 2012


My first chemo treatment was September 24th, all was good. The next day I went back for my Neulasta shot (white blood cell booster) and then we stopped at Price Chopper.  Just walking around and wham, diarrhea hit and with no warning, my pants were full...lovely!

Got home and cleaned up and from that point I on I was having diarrhea way too much and feeling lousy by the minute.  On Monday, Oct 1st went to give blood and Tuesday and Doctor called and wanted me to come back to the clinic, he felt I was dehydrated, so I was immediately hooked up to fluids.  Within a short time, chest x-ray was taken and spot on lung seen, wanted to admit me as they suspected pneumonia, okay with me, I was so sick, tired and what have you I could have cared less.  Well, once on the second floor, isolated room mind you, all sorts of shit stared to take place, hooked up to various antibiotics, fluids, blood samples taken, and finally a poop sample, I had contracted clostridium difficle or as they call it c-diffi and this is one nasty bug and really does a number on the body.  I wanted to sleep but could not, had to sit up half the time cause if I laid down I coughed. They kinda over did the fluid number and I heart was pumping big time and I could hardly see my toes,I wanted to go to some de-juicer room and get squeezed out. But no they had to do more friggin tests, cat scan, EKG, x-rays, etc. Finally they listened and started to decrease the fluid but not before they scared my entire family thinking I was having congestive heart failure (my heart was fine).  I would spend ten days in the hospital and learn 3 other cancer patients were on the same floor with this c-diffi number.  Yikes.  But I came home the 9th and man was I happy to sleep in my own bed.

While home I rested, took the antibiotics and sleep alot and my appetite went to hell in a hand basket.  Lost about 11 pounds before I even felt like eating anything normal.  Then on the 15th went back for my second treatment and that was a no go...seems my white cell count was not right, afraid if they did treatment I might see another bout of pneumonia,. so came home and finished the antibiotics  and rested.  Penny was here, cooking and caring for me and that was a big help. When my energy level was up, we're go into town, do some shopping and I got to buy her lunch at least three times which was good.  She's a great cook and its fun having her here.  While I was football, tennis and westerns, she goes to the other room and watches her programs, works for us.

In the meantime, our daughter is in Asia and having a good time...she is currently headed to Beijing  China and was looking forward to seeing this city. She is getting tired of all this travel, misses her husband and son and anxious to get home but she is also seeing and experiencing alot of amazing things.

As for me, today, Oct 22nd we shall try my second chemo treatment and I am hoping all is good and it happens, I know this stuff knocks my energy level to hell, fatigue is gonna happen but let's get moving on with this stuff.  As I said, I feel good and that helps.

So hope your day is good and you are smiling.  Keeping positive thoughts here and wearing toques as I have lost my hair--yuck.  Keep smiling folks, life is damn good.

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