Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Workouts Continue

 Let's start with this photo.  We took our sister-in-law Shirley out for her birthday.  Man, did we laugh and  have a good time.

Then she was saying how her sister, Irene who lives in Florida would love to see, but she won't come North because her husband is ill.  So, we quickly suggested she join us in April on our road trip to Florida.  

We nicely explained the details (ya, like there are so many).  We split the cost for gas and hotel room, but meals you're on your own.  That way nobody feels they had to pay for more drinks than they consumed.  Plus, we could always drop her off at her sisters and travel on to see our sister or she could join us, etc. We haven't worked out all the details but the idea is planted -- hey, it won't happen until April, so we have plenty of time.

This is Clint at some apple, pumpkin picking playground. He could of cared less about the apples, he loved all the playground equipment, in particular an in-ground bouncy gym which he jump on constantly.

Just trying to get him to look at me was not gonna happen but we had a good time.

Well believe it or not, I'm doing a second month of the Focus T-25 Workout programs.  These suckers kick ass but I'm getting toned, losing inches and even dropping a few pounds. I also have finally accepted the shakeology drink and that is actually curbing my desire for sweets.  Oh don't get me wrong, I still want my sweets but I'm not craving them so much now.  So, as I said I'm doing another month and so far so good.

As many of you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  And when I saw this display,in Norfolk no less, I had to stop and snap a photo.  The gal who lives there is still under going some reconstructive surgery but she and her partner dreamed up the pink pumpkins and I thought it was fantastic.  Just for the record, I do NOT support any cancer -- that statement just causes me to go livid.  I support cancer research and cancer awareness but I do NOT support cancer.  Are you friggin nuts?  

So, my daughter is currently in Bangkok, going to China in a couple days and various other places, all part of her job and not due home until Oct 28th.  She has had one hell of a screwed up flight so far and I just did face time with her and she looks exhausted. Its an 11 hour time difference and I told her to get off the phone and go to bed.

Now I plan to head over and see Clint, take some pictures and post to her email address.  Then come home and fix pork chops for dinner.  So life is good and hope all of you are having a good day, week, month and year.  Hugs.

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