Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year

 So, the year is nearly over and everyone is screaming "happy new year," right?  What the hell did we expect people to say anyway?

Gotta tell ya 2013, was a rough year for this household, in Feb I finally finished up radiation and man, was I glad that was over.  The last few days of that were rough, I'd get my treatment and head upstairs to the Ward to visit my husband who was hospitalized with pancreatitis.  Later, in the month, it would be determined Potsdam could not handle his problem and he'd go to Burlington, Vt aka Fletcher Allen.  There he would have a very risky surgery and spend a good month at that hospital.  The kids and I stayed in a Residence Inn, and drove back home every week or so just to check on things,switch people who could come with me and visit hubby, who had no clue we were there half the time. Finally the end of March, he was sent home and now, recovery was underway.

Some where around October or maybe it was September, I got into this Focus T-25 exercise program and quickly learned just how out of shape I was and 25 minutes of working out was just about killing me, but I stuck with it and each day I got stronger and feel better.

It felt good to see the pounds drop, body start to tone and while I had aches and pains, I was learning to eat a bit more healthier and having more energy.

  It wasn't long and winter let us know it was here.  For awhile we all sat back and hoped this was not gonna be another Ice Storm, like we had in 1998, it was bad and many places lost power but thankfully not as bad at 1998.

Ya,the sun shining through the ice cover branches is pretty but that ice brought down many branches,including power lines, now that was not pretty.

It always amazes me that doctor's schedule appointments in December and rarely can keep them.  Back in November I had a kidney stone blasted and stent inserted.  I was to see my urologist on Dec 23rd and hopefully get the stent removed, well that was canceled and now I shall see him Jan 3rd but need get an X-ray done before hand.  Had a mammogram on Dec 16th and would see my oncologist on Dec 19th, well that was canceled as he went on vacation and I would now see him Jan 14th (the last time I had a mammogram, a letter came expressing some concern and after discussion, an MRI was done, all was good, so I was kinda nervous about this one but felt all was fine.  On Dec 27th a letter from radiology confirm, it was normal, all was good...and I was once again breathing normal.  The only appointment that was not canceled in December was dermatology and he told me I looked fantastic, no issues and just keep getting older.

Now Christmas was creeping up on us and somuch fun.

Clint got a Leap Pad but calls it his Ipad.  Well, gotta run, more later, have a great holiday.

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