Friday, January 31, 2014

Another Blast

 Hey, if you leave your window down and its snowing, this is what you can expect to find.  And believe me, it's not easy to get that stuff out of your car either.

Some years ago, a mate and I left the window down just a crack at some Winter Conference in Oswego County, when we saw the snow inside the car the next morning, we just stood there and laughed, what else could you do. Then we brushed it out, started the car and ran the heater, hoping like hell to not only dry the seats but warm up the car too.  It was colder the Hades that morning.

Now for my story, ready?  Back in November, my back began hurting me and I knew the kidney stone that had been laying about for nearly 5 years had decided it was time to come out.  It was pretty big and probably should have been removed much earlier but with all my other medical issues and this not bothering me, we left it alone. But now it was impossible to leave alone, it had to be blasted (lithotripsy) and the urologist would put in a stent to assist in the stone removal process.  Of course you do realize, once this procedure was over, I would have to not just collect my urine but strain it to collect stone particles, right?  Collection was tossed, stones were placed in a jar (that alone is an entirely other story).  

Went back to see the urologist on Jan 3rd and thinking today the stent comes out and my life goes back to normal. WRONG!  Seem this stone was showing parts still there and another blast was needed, so on Jan 6th, back to the hospital and more blasting, more collecting and more fun.  Then, this week on Jan 29th, went back in for a check up, you do understand, each check also involves an x-ray (KUB), right?  Once again, it seems not all the stones are gone - what the hell, it's like I got this goddamn gravel pit in there or something.

So Monday, Feb 3rd I go back again for the third blast treatment, but this go around, he'll use either or both a cystoscope/uretroscope and remove any remaining particles and also that damn stent, all while I am out cold, thank you very much.  

Earlier on Jan 29th I was at the dentist office.  Oh this gets fun too.  I needed the dentist to sign off on the medical release for the oncologist to give me this infusion number for osteoporosis,helps maintain healthy bones or some such shit.  But I also wanted him to check my jaw, because after my last blast treatment, that sucker was sore and I couldn't open it as wide as I would like.  Well, shit I have a minor case of lock jaw.  No disease or infection, thank goodness, and I can (1) massage my jaw with my hand, (2) use warm, moist compresses to the jaw area a couple times a day, and (3) just kinda open and close your mouth, stretching your jaw as much as you can.  In other words, nothing to worry about, but it is painful and it will go away (in my life time hope).

Now my Grand son is all for this.  The other day he informed me he wanted to play outside and I informed him, no way, its minus 17 degrees and way too cold. "But Meme," he says, " we need to plant a snow garden!"  Ya gotta love this kid.

A few weeks ago,he and I were kinda of wrestling on the floor, he is four years old and not a light weight, he is tall and solid, well, he jumped on my and I heard this pop and sure as shit, my rib popped.  Talk about hurt, ye gads.  I tape it at night and thinking, I should wear a tape during the day too.  Oh sure, if I go to see a doctor, they'll say wrap it up, take these pain meds and its just gonna take time. Screw that, I detest pain meds and due to this lovely procedure on Monday, I can't even have a bloody aspirin.

Oh you wanna know the real kick in the ass.  The day before the procedure, which is Super Bowl Sunday, I can only have liquid meals and I don't mean booze.  There goes my chicken wings -- screw it, I'll have them Saturday just to be sure I get'em.  Superbowl without chicken wings ain't gonna be the same.

In the meantime, I continue to workout with the Shaun T-25 focus DVDs, I completed both Alpha and Beta workouts, a couple of times and this week moved on the Gamma round.  Lots of weights involved which I find damn entertaining and I can see my arms getting toned, etc. Hell, I was even able to do a couple burpees this week and that is quite a feat in my book.

So along with friggin horrible weather, this polar vortez can go to hell, everything is fine here.  Hubby is doing good too.  Have a lovely weekend and cheer on your team, well a team at least.

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