Friday, March 28, 2008

Pre Trip Ramblings

You can call this boredom, striving for perfection or just attempting to make the days go faster before vacation truly begins. First off, the last concept is rather stupid, I mean, I am retired, that is like a year round vacation! Yes, that adage is true, worked more retired than I did while employed – wait, that isn’t true – I worked my butt off when employed. Oh hell, the real item here is things one does prior to taking a trip, how’s that? Cleared up the entire missive, didn’t it?

Today as I see yet another over cast day and some (hands over the ears) rumbles of possible snow later on, I decided to challenge myself with packing! Oh what the hell, not much else to do and a trial run will help me decide what stays here and what gets to go to Florida! I do have a tendency (so my sister claims) to pack more than I need but somehow I manage to use everything I packed, so figure that one out!

You see the reality is where we are going folks have washers and dryers so we can, if necessary, wash our clothes and not haul so many with us. And as we are headed to warm weather, that means clothes are mostly shorts and lightweight tops, not jackets, socks, mittens, etc! However there are certain “comfort” items you pack regardless, you know, your own toothbrush, comb, curling iron, brush, shoes (flops, sneakers, sandals, clogs) and oh ya, make up, hair spray and so on and so forth.

Let me state, for the record, that I have a lot of respect baggage handlers and it’s a job I would not like to do but hey, it pays well and for the most part, they do their damnest to get your suitcase on your flight and both of you arrive at the same time. However, I do think they have a wicked sense of humor and love to squeeze suitcases on the hope that anything liquid will squirt out and cover your bag with this lovely aroma of mixed liquids! That is why you place things like creams, lotions, shampoo, or anything liquid in a plastic bag (sealed tight).

Next you have those items you wish to carry on the plane. Only two bags per person are allowed and they can be stored under your seat or in the overhead compartment. Let’s talk about that overhead compartment, shall we? First off, you gotta be a certain height to even reach the sucker. Secondly, even if you put your bag near the front so you can reach it, someone is gonna shove it to the back or move it to another compartment because they want this space! Third, as you debark the plane (I always want to start barking when they announce we can now debark the plane), you pissed the folks behind you off as you struggle to get your bag from the overhead compartment, “sorry I can’t seem to reach my bag, would you please reach up and get it for me? Oh, not your job, well, excuse me, while I climb up this woman’s back to reach the damn bag.”

I’m not overly willing to carry more bags than necessary, usually this means my camera bag and a purse but lately, I’ve learned a tote which holds my purse can be quite helpful and balances me – something in each hand tends to stop me from leaning or favoring one side more than the other!

Now I could start spring cleaning 101 but that certainly doesn't appeal and I think that I was sleeping during that class anyway...I can hire a cleaner to do this work, right? Now I leave you with these tidbits, thing you need to know:

  • Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night
  • There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."
    Never lick a steak knife.
  • You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.
  • A person, who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.
  • Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.

As always, you have a great day -- any day we are breathing is great!

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