Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stuck Inside - Really?

Are you following the news these days? Well, what else have we got to do, the weather sucks and until it warms up, were stuck inside and might as well listen to or read the news, right?

Hey, how about Chelsea – asking her about Momma and Monica and she nicely stated it was NONE of your business. Gotta like a kid who sticks by her Mama, right? [Privately she is probably kicking Daddy’s ass again for being so damn stupid!]

. - A South Florida teenager who was captain of her high school cheerleading squad and had plans to become a doctor died after corrective breast surgery, a family attorney said Tuesday. She suffered a rare reaction to anesthesia and her life is gone at 18 years. How sad.


Now I waited all day for this – K-Fed gets booed on his birthday! The former dependent spouse of Britney Spears was booed and given the hook after an extended, expletive-packed turn at the microphone during his bash at hot spot Pure.
"The DJ tried to take the microphone back after about three minutes, but he just kept going," an eyewitness tells Us. "It didn't make any sense what he was saying. He was just blabbing on." [And we thought Britney was a crack up, it must be something in the water – both acting like nut cases!]


Oh ya, we got all this related stuff happening too. Obama and Brad Pitt are long lost cousins, and Jolie and Hillary are also long lost cousins, well, ain’t that just special! Hummm, I’m related to Adam and Eve – so where does that put the rest of you? Hi cuz, how’s your day going?


MADRID, Spain - A small piece of jawbone unearthed in a cave in Spain is the oldest known fossil of a human ancestor in Europe and suggests that people lived on the continent much earlier than previously believed, scientists say. Wow, wonder what the rent was back then?


Poor Hillary she just is having a Britney kind of week, can’t catch a break for she-it! Hillary Clinton has told another whopper, and she’s been found out. Last week, during a campaign stop in Washington DC, she gave a vivid description of a dangerous trip she made in Bosnia in March 1996. At Tuzla airport, she said, "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

But journalists and others on the trip recalled an entirely routine arrival at Tuzla. As a result, CBS dug out the footage which shows Clinton and her party – including the singer Sheryl Crow and the comedian Sinbad, there to entertain US troops - stepping calmly off the airplane and walking at a stately pace along the runway. A smiling First Lady was then met by a local eight-year-old girl who presented her with a letter.

Confronted by the CBS evidence, Clinton shrugged off her memory lapse as a "minor blip". "So I made a mistake. That happens. It shows I'm human, which for some people is a revelation." [Made a mistake, shows I’m human – are you asking us to actually buy this crap?]


And this has been your recent news update – now, go back to sleep or fix dinner but first, have a nice cold beer – who in hell knows what the rest of the day will bring!!!

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