Saturday, May 8, 2010


Here we are, May 8th and it should be warm, sunny and comfortable spring weather with a strong hint of summer in the air. But NO, we got temps hovering in the 40’s, rain, high winds and a chill that seeps into your bones and makes you feel a hundred years old (have no clue what that feels like or actually means, but cold bones ain’t pleasant and age has damn little to do with it).

To make matters worse our weather reports say this nasty stuff will continue throughout the day and tonight, oh yes tonight, the temps will drop even lower and guess what? You guessed didn’t ya –we could see that dreaded white stuff.

So what does all this really mean? It means we all put away our winter stuff way to early; i.e. snowshoes, snow blowers, shovels, snow tires, etc. Hell, we even mowed our yards, raked and in some cases, even planted a few things early in the hope they’d take root and grow faster. Oh ya, we be anxious for the warm stuff and home grown veggies (assume we don’t end up with some blight, disease or root rot like last year). And in some cases, we hauled out the patio furniture and started grilling too (I know some grill all year long but many have a kinda set schedule and grilling in snow ain’t exactly the most pleasant experience).

In the meantime, I have been to Florida – drove this year and came back with a lovely tan (first time I went and did not burn) and damn, it is slowly disappearing – now that is not fair! My newest grandson hit the six month mark and he also hit BIG in my book. This was the preemie who arrived at 5.5 lbs and now weighs in at 17.10 lbs and is 26.5 inches tall. What happened to that little boy? He is now crawling up a storm and this week decided not only can he crawl, but he can pull himself up too…however, he isn’t all that steady, so he falls a lot (which irks him, gets cry now and then and shortly resumes this act again and again).

On the brighter side our son had his latest Mayo Clinic check up and he texts me that “will call later, I am NED.” Now this has me totally stumped – what in hell does that mean? Did he mistype some work? Well, in due course I would learn this meant “no evidence discovered,” which in English came to mean: complete REMISSION! Talk about happy, everyone is happy for him and he’s got a huge smile on his face. Those damn tests are not fun but these results were fantastic!!!

So as Saturday continues to be wet, damp and chilly, hubby and I stopped at Lowe’s a bought some new blinds (the wooden type I will clean, not those plastic suckers). He now has a project for this afternoon and me, well, I will watch some TV and most likely have a chair nap!

BTW everyone have a lovely Mother’s Day Weekend and don’t forget to call Mom tomorrow, okay? Yes, life is good, we’re still on this side of the dirt and that counts for a lot, right?

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