Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flower+Grandson+ FUN

 Last year Clint helped me plant flowers and in the process, found the hose and in due course,"hosed" me and the house.  It was quite the party!

This year, he is two and a half years old and I kept the hose away from him...he used the watering can.

Ya,he looks so innocent here, right?

I know, this year's photos would be nice but unfortunately,they are still on my iphone and I have yet to figure out how to post them directly to my blog via the phone.  I can post them on Facebook but -----  regardless,this year's flower planting was much easier and we both worked hard and got exhausted in quick order.  Fun day tho.

So here's my summer game plan or as it stands at the moment. First my sister will come up over Memorial weekend and help with the grave site flower number.  Then in August the Minnesota Rourk's shall arrive and let the good times roll.  In September, if all goes as planned, head to Vermont to meet up with my Nam buddy and continue our memory lane number.  Its amazing how much we actually remember from those days in Nam,40 some odd years later when we get together.

Oh and this weekend Alex is playing in some Jr Islanders hockey tournament in Duluth and so far, they won two and had another game to play at 4:30 but I haven't heard that score.  And this afternoon (well, actually around 10 a.m. ) the final of the Rome, Madrid tennis final - soon the French Open shall begin and once again, I shall be stuck to the TV.

So you all have a good Sunday, for once we are having a nice warm,dry weekend...loving it.

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