Thursday, June 10, 2010

Birds & Updates

Oh come on, it’s been a while since I bored you with my bird watching. Well, now it’s taking on a whole new twist and I almost feel like a stalker!!!

My son sent me this lovely bird house, a first for me, and I tried various locations on where to put this house. I was advised to place it near or have the bird feeder nearby and eventually birds would come and use it. Well, I wanted it close to the deck so I could see them but that wasn’t working out as nicely as I wished, so I moved it back to the tree line. Hell, I have binoculars; I can still “watch” the house. Ya, waiting for “wrenters.”

To coax them, I tossed in some bird seed, some dried grass and even a couple twigs, what the hell, a starter home should have a few items right? Then I noticed I did indeed have wrenters and I was quite a happy camper. However, a big ole wind came up one night and when I looked out I could not see the bird house…what the hell?

So I hike to the tree line and discovered it had been blown off the branch and I needed to re-secure it and this time, I was gonna make damn sure it would not blow off again – unless we got a tornado (of course, in due course we would be under tornado watches – just my luck). That is when I noticed how ambitious these birds are – talk about twigs, they had so many in this tiny house I wasn’t sure how in hell they fit there. My sister, upon hearing this story immediately inquired; “you didn’t rearrange the twigs did you?” Hell, just straighten stuff up, added a desk, chair and tiny TV set – hey, let’s make’em comfy!! You do know I am joking, right?

Now the house is secured to the branch, have a feeder close by and once again, the wrenters are back inside and in due time I suspect eggs will be laid and hatched and young birds squawking their bloody beaks off. Oh the joys of a bird wrenter and all because my son decided bird feeders were fine but a bird house, now that is what she truly needs. Maybe he’s thinking; “let her see how things are for birds and when it is time, we can put her in a tiny room, too!"

Once again, a wet Thursday – hells bells, I am sick of this damp weather. It was half way nice yesterday, managed to get a few outside chores done but never did get the yard completely mowed. Did the trimming and pushed the mower in those areas a riding mower can’t reach and cleaned up the tulip flower bed –now to add more seeds or plants so it doesn’t look so barren. Hey, I’m with you, we could use a couple dry days and some warmer temps. Pretty damn sad when you hear folks say they fired up the wood stove or had to turn the heat on because the temps were in the low 40s and the damp air was making everything cold. And this is June!!!

BTW how many of you remember speeches made at either high school or college graduation commencement?  Me neither so why have the suckers?  It's always the same crap, "follow your dreams, dream big, forget dreams, follow your heart," and so on. Bottom line, what we should be telling these kids is: "look, don't even think you're gonna have a starting salary at sevent-thousand, get over yourself.  And you know what,get off your lazy asses and get outside and realize there's a world out here and maybe, just maybe you'll come up with a business that makes sense and works."

To all the grads, congrats, I wish you a wonderful future, truly I do and if nothing else, keep a positive attitude and keep smiling.  And, by the way, pay off that college loan, okay---someone else needs those funds now!!!  Thanks

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