Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March First

Don't ya just love how creative the title line gets -- man, this requires some deep, deep thinking!!!

Personally I can hardly believe it is March but hey, one can always hope that when the 20th rolls around it will not only be but feel like the first day of Spring.  This has been a long, cold winter and I felt the cold more than ever before and yes, ready for some warmer temps.

I was doing just great until last Wednesday when I woke up with horrible abdominal pain and decided, much to my displeasure, that I needed to go to the ER.  I mean, when I use the ER, I really need the ER.

The took a urine sample, blood and even had a CT scan and all the ER could say was possible pulled muscle but considering surgery was just a month ago, check in with the surgeon in a day or two just to be sure.  In the meantime, here's some Percocet -- take one tablet every four hours.  Oh man, I had no idea this contained or is just another name for oxycodine (something I do not do well taking and avoid as much as possible)--I did take one tab and that was that, ibuprofen worked much easier and didn't have me having these horrible nightmares. 

Long story short, saw the doctor on Monday and yes, it is a pulled muscle.  Lemme tell ya, it hurts like hell but just knowing this is what it is, is a huge relief. Come on, like you wouldn't think of other crap -- like something was out of whack from the surgery, now its kidney stones, hernia, etc.  I mean, its your belly and its hurting, you just don't know, so when you discovered pulled muscle, hell, you wanted jump for joy.  Still hurts but hey, at least you can deal with it now.

 I just over extended myself and now the Wii Fitness program has been shut down and I must allow myself time to heal, I cannot rush this process --damnit.

Behave Grammie cuz I wanna play and have fun again...you being sick is not fun!!!  I have no idea where this expression came from -- he's been showing many new faces lately and some are pretty damn cute....

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