Tuesday, November 13, 2012

3rd Chemo

First we start with Clint's 3rd birthday party, he was born on Oct 29th but due to his Mom's Asian travels, his party was postponed until Sunday, November 11th.

The theme was "Construction" and everyone had a plastic hard hat to wear and Dan and Kel really decorated the garage up nice and as it is heated, it was comfy too.

However, the rain stopped and by 11 it was close to 70 degrees and many folks were stripping out of heavy coats and soaking up the fresh air and sunshine.

Ya, this is Mom and her little man, they are so cute and love each other so much.  She is one happy, proud and good Mommy.

The best gift was the one Daddy got him. After talking about what he might like for days, he said he wanted a tool box just like Dad's.

Well, that is what he got and it's full of "real"tools and he was one happy boy.  Could hardly lift the box but he did, they opened it and had to find scissors to use to open his other gifts.

Oh man did Daddy make his day, good job Dada.

Yes this is me, my third Chemo treatment on Monday, November 12th.  My goal this time is to have one treatment with no sides, wouldn't that be wonderful.

Spoke with the doctor, asked how I was progressing and he said I was doing fine.  White cells well within range, platelets (meaning red I think) were okay and everything was fine.  Kinda of surprised to learn I have been slight anemic since January 2011 but that was when I had my colon surgery. This will be addressed and something done once chemo ends -- most likely this means iron tablets or something. Iron and me don't get along but we shall see.

After my 4th chemo treatment, which is scheduled for Dec 3rd, Dr. Gold will refer me to the radiation oncologist, Dr. Hauerstock and we'll discuss the radiation treatment plan. Normally they like to see a break between programs and I'm hoping they'll day we'll start in January so I can have my holiday.  Of course, it really doesn't matter because regardless blood will still be drawn and checked to insure everything is okay. Chemo drugs continue to flow through the body for a long time

However, the dry mouth is gone, appetite is back with just a slight metallic taste left and I was irked to learn I regained 4 pounds. So now I am cutting out sweets and cutting  back on my food intake.  I know, I need this weight for various reasons but I liked being a bit thinner and as long as I keep drinking, I shall be fine.

Ya, just when you start feeling good, energy level back and all that, treatment hits and the lovely neulasta shot and soon, you are sensing the fatigue again and desire to nap alot. Oh well, I did get quite a few errands run before exhaustion hit.

You all have a great week, I sure as hell am!

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