Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ah Saturday

Yup, the day we all look forward too (unless you are amongst the group who work on Saturday, then forget it) – a day when we work for our own enjoyment or not.

Come on, we all know that unless something really silly happens, you will try to sleep in and although that may be only an hour later than you normally rise, that is still a good deal and something you enjoy, right? Then you get up, no rushing about but you do need to get to the dry cleaners and what the hell, breakfast out sounds pretty nice too.

Then it’s back home and there’s the yard that needs to be mowed, bushes that could use a trim and what the hell, those flowers you bought but couldn’t get planted, they can now be shoved into the ground too. And what the hell, grilling sounds like a good idea, haul out the lawn chairs, get the ice chest and make a day of being outside. Yup, that’s the Saturday we all look forward too, right?

As for me I wish to hell I had gotten my fishing license because I have this desire to go fishing. So, with no license I reckon my trusty camera and I shall head to the river and see if we can’t get some amazing photos such as: waves doing a dance, a fish posing or showing off, or some rare flower that peaks up and gets caught on film. Oh the joy of taking pictures never is boring and with digital cameras, hell, you can snap away and not care how many shots you take – delete is always an option!

Hey, whatever you do, please get outside – you need some Vitamin D and hey, it’s sunny and nice out there – no longer need to feel or act like a mole person, get out there and feel the warmth of a nice sunny day, okay?

If all else fails I can always watch the various birds that find my feeders the easiest place to dine for miles and miles. Hey, whether you believe me or not I have had a Baltimore Oriole at my feeder this week - wow! No that is not a photo of him, that's a Blue Jay, you nitwit!!

This is the oriole - neat, huh? Love the colors!

Whatever you do – keep smiling!!!

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