Saturday, June 27, 2009

Guessing and Messing....:)

Ever have one of those days (moments) when your computer is working nicely and then, for no friggin reason some issue pops up and you are going "what the hell is that? Why all of a sudden can't I copy and paste like I have been doing for months?

Well, that seems to be the current issue I am dealing with. I got this cute story about some dude in London who for 22 plus years collected parking fees and then, suddenly he was no longer on the job. This caused some concern and various departments called other departments to get a replacement, etc. Well, come to find out, nobody had hired this guy. So, he nicely collect parking fees for all these years, retired to some cozy island paradise and is soaking up the suds and enjoying his savings which are approximately: 3.5 million English pounds! Now that my friends is one smart dude!

What has me laughing is wondering if we have someone like this in the US too? But I doubt any person would hang around that many years or someone would not question why in hell they are paying this clown to park when its free public parking? Obviously the Brits never seemed to notice or perhaps the sign was conveniently hidden from view.

Anyway, I could not copy and paste the entire story,so you got the short version, which is not half bad either, right?

Okay, it is Saturday, it has rained off and on all damn day and yes, I did manage to get a walk in this morning...actually walked with my daughter up behind the high school -- a tad damp but we made it -- she just loves to haul my fat ass up Stinger Hill -- and my ass cheeks feel that climb big time!!!

Well, back to more tennis matches -- oh hell, gotta fix a hot dog first -- ya, I am hungry and right now a hot dog sounds damn good -- keep smiling.


Moonbeam said...

I drove HOME from Vermont this morning/afternoon through sun, sprinkles, rain, hail, overcaste, & sun! At least there wasn't any SNOW!! :0)

Will I be home for a while?? Well, depends on your discription of *a while*! I leave Thursday for Fort Niagara! :0/

I'm not sure if I'm a glutten for punishment, or just am answering the call of the open road!! :0)

Pat said...

Oh Moonbeam, you really have that call from the open road on a high channel. I had to turn mine down so I could just flat ass rest.

Take care, keep smiling and save time for beer swapping with me!!!