Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday ....:)

Yes, it is Sunday and up until a few minutes ago, as it is now 6:30pm it was a lovely day -- sunny, warm and with a gentle breeze.

Then the freakin rain returned and now once again, we have wet grass, decks, plants, etc. Never have to water gardens this year, the big Man is taking care of it nicely.

As for me, hubby and I managed to get the awning unrolled and set up and then, hauled out the patio/deck furniture. I had put it away clean but washed it down again before putting the cushions on it. Then, hot, sweaty and most likely stinky, grabbed a beer, plopped my arse down and sat outside and loved every minute of it.

What I found entertaining was the birds. New scene for them and they were cautious and checking things out. As I was sitting out on the deck, where they could see me, they no doubt wondered what my intentions might be so they stayed away. Well, the golden finches didn't seem to mind and as I have these sock-like seeds for them, they snacked away like it was no big deal. We call them peeks after that Easter candy -- you know the one that is almost entirely sugar and we all love'em?

Then the rain came and now, its bail the awning out or use a pole and lift it up so the damn water can run off -- what a process. And that was my Sunday -- lovely, challenging and interesting...just like yours!!!

Keep smiling and here comes the last week in June and the beginning days of July--- ready or not, they be coming!!!

Oh the flower -- like you never picked one and pull one pedal at a time off and said, "he loves me, he loves me not?"

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