Saturday, June 13, 2009


Okay, here's the latest update on the swine flu. If you get it and survive you will look like this --oh come on, you'll be alive, still cute and lovable, what more do you want? Forget being rich, you weren't rich before, so get over yourself!

So its Saturday and once again Mother Nature has made sure we get a damp weekend --damnit! My son called and wanted to know how to find Mama because he wanted to punch her lights out -- stand in line, Bubba, its a long friggin line!!!

Well, I managed to get my lawn cart which I have been trying to find for weeks. I didn't want anything fancy or difficult and after seeing my sister-in-law's cart, I said, "that's what I need." Here's a photo, whatcha think?Yes, its black, sorry it did not come with a color option but this is much easier for me to drag around or push, which ever works -- neat, eh?

So have you gone to Hackett's in Canton and enjoyed the 30% madness? I gotta tell ya, I went yesterday and it was like opening day, lots of folks in there and this time, they were buying stuff. Hey, I managed to find king size sheets, normally $50 for $20 so that was good, right? Now if they really want to impress me, knock down the price on those damn kayaks -- I'd really like to buy one but not at that price. If I'm gonna drown or soak my ass, I don't think it should cost me an arm or leg!!!

Hey, did manage to get my lawns mowed and as I trimmed those branches, no marks on my forehead from those suckers this go around...gotta tell ya, that hurt and definitely left a mark - ouch!!! This time it was the damn bugs that were driving me bonkers, so I pulled a trick my Daddy did -- bounce sheet attached to my baseball cap and I was golden.

Okay, have a great day, do whatever you can and hopefully that includes getting outside -- oh come on, a little rain ain't gonna hurt you or melt me, it hasn't melted me and I get outside alot.

Keep Smiling!!!

1 comment:

Moonbeam said...

I got outside today! I went up to the barn to see the new Quarter Midget Race Car John bought! LOL!! That's all the outside I needed to do after the last two weeks! :0)