Monday, October 26, 2009

Grandma Duty

Yes, folks I am in Minnesota -- arrived last Thursday and had an interesting flight. By interesting I mean, we hit some jet stream and the plane bounced along like we were on some cheap fair ride -- almost made me want to hurl...damn, that never happened before. I love to fly and rough weather has never been an issue.

Saturday night my dau-in-law pulled off a good one, a surprised birthday for my son...he was totally clueless and loved every minute of it. Not only was this to wish him a happy 40th but also a spirit booster as he headed to Rochester on Sunday. No, Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic -- where he begins treatment today...he is gonna kick this shit out of his system. Just pray there are no major side affects, okay?

As for me, my first full day as "on duty Grandma 0r ODG"(holy smokes, mess with those letters and it could be DOG, eh) was get the kids over to arena for hockey practice. However, it was decided we probably should eat lunch first, right? Well, I had stuff in the oven, all was on target when I suddenly looked at the computer and saw the time. It was much different from this clock on the TV stand(that sucker was off by an hour or more). So, lunch was put on hold, then Gramma fixed every damn clock in the house so we are now all on the same time. I think I need to buy a wrist watch! When I retired, I also retired a watch but now, well, I think I should have one.

Thankfully Alex is here to assist Grandma and help Ella with her hockey equipment including the skates. Whatever they did their thing, got'em back home and we had a nice dinner -- chicken nuggets, stuffed cheese balls (I think) and some of Dad's birthday for dessert. Baths all done we settled in to watch TV and soon Grandma was talked into playing another board, fun and fun. Kids in bed by 8 and Grandma in bed at 9, reading a book...hey, this worked.

This morning was a hoot, we got up, everyone did the morning wash-up, had breakfast, teeth brush, beds made and dressed. Kids watching TV and me totally prepared to get them out the door by 7:30 as the bus comes at 7:45, no problem. Holy sheet, the bus was here at 7:27, talk about run, they rushed out and caught it...change that schedule.

Tonight the kids and I shall make sliders, have some fries, corn and probably more birthday cake. Oh ya, once home we'll have homework to do but no skating tonight --damn what a schedule.

Gotta tell ya, once I get the hang of all this it shall be really fun. Now I gotta get dressed and take the dog for a walk---then, who in hell knows...something will pop into my head.

More another time...all is good...keep smiling.


Anita Figueras said...

I'm wishing your son well and hope that he, the treatment, and the docs all kick ass. Meanwhile, it sounds like the grandkids are in good hands.

Pat said...

He's on so many prayer lists its just wonderful and yes, he will kick cancer's ass big time. Thanks for your positive thoughts.