Friday, October 16, 2009

Outdoor Potties

Do you remember my story of the long walk around Lake Shore Drive and the bladder issue? Ya, where I squatted and was doing my business and looked up and was "eye-ball-to-eye-ball" with a deer. Well, this photo takes that squatting one step further. What cracks me up is she has toilet paper --who in hell carries TP on a walk?

Hey, 28 degrees this morning,now we are talking some serious cold weather -- holy sheet! Even I knew enough to put on a coat this morning and the idea that a sweatshirt over a shirt would suffice was no longer a viable option.
So it is Friday and for most, the Friday dance began early this morning...for us retired folks,we dance every morning, right? Well, after we sleep in and then, get up, have coffee and stretch, then we do something called a dance (I call it movement).
Still not sure when I head out to Minnesota but suspect it will be some day next week -- but have no fear, they have computers and I can get on line and keep posting stuff on this blog page...
Okay, you all have a great day and hey, do something nice for someone today -- oh hell, try letting a car in front of you, allow people to cross the street, slow down and keep within the speed limits, or just hold a door open, you know, do something for someone else -- it makes ya feel so much better.
Keep smiling

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