Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lovely Day

Yup, here we are, Tuesday and I'm looking out the window and thinking; "where in hell is the sunshine?" Did I read the paper wrong and has my hearing gone too because I understood today was suppose to be partly sunny and we'd reach temps in the high 50's! Well, baby if that is true, we got some work ahead of us and hey, Mama Nature get your butt in high gear.

Gotta tell ya, once I found that box with slides and what have you, began scanning them and enjoyed this trek down memory lane, I took time yesterday to dig out my ole slides and photos. Now I am ass-deep in pictures and struggling to slow down and enjoy the process. I just want to get them all scanned and on my computer and then on a disk...but this is not going to be a fast effort, this is gonna take time.

Also I am struggling with how to sort them once into a computer folder. I mean, each folder could and probably should be broken down; like sibling name and underneath that a sub-folder tagged kids. Are you following me? Sure as hell would be easier to find everyone, eh?

With any luck I will get outside today and plant tulip bulbs and other plants, as well as clean up the yard....I will mow one more time if that is doable too. You all have a lovely day...

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people -- which "mind" are you?

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