Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another Priceless Moment

He's My Brother

Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day......picked out a box of tampons and proceeded to the checkout counter.

The man at the counter asked the older boy, "Son, how old are you?"

"Eight," the boy replied.

The man continued, "Do you know what these are used for?"

The boy replied, "not exactly....... but they aren't for me....they're for him. He's my brother......

He's four..... We saw on TV ,that if you use these ,you would be able to swim and ride a bike.

Right now, he can't do either."


Ya, ya, Happy Valentine's Day -- happy now? For some reason I have this idea that if a man bought chocolates he's in deep shit because half the women on the planet (or in the US at least) are dieting and chocolate isn't on the "lose weight list!" Then, again, nobody is making anyone eat these suckers and the man, knowing she shouldn't and most likely won't, have the entire box for himself -- way to go guys!!

Last night was "date night," dinner and a movie. Okay, you can call it an early Valentine Gift if you must. Anyway, dinner at Pizza Hut was good and then, off to the movies. Finally we went to see Avatar and gotta tell ya, it was good. A tad long but nobody and I mean, nobody got up during it to use restroom or get more food. Once this sucker started, it had our attention and kept it.

Sunday is a day of rest and it looks like snow shall come down off and on all day, which is okay as long as the temps don't drop to far, because then we'll get ice and nobody wants ice, right? And I intend to watch as much of the Olympics as my eyeballs can stand (meaning, there will be some naps for damn sure). Hope all of you have a good day too.

There is a fine line between genius and insanity.

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