Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pregnant at 71


> A woman went to the doctor's office where she was seen by one of the younger doctors.

> After about four minutes in the examination room, she burst out screaming as she ran down the hall.

> An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was, and she told him her story.  After listening, he had her sit down and relax in another room.

> The older doctor marched down the hallway back to where the young doctor was writing on his clipboard.

> "What the hell is the matter with you?!" the older doctor demanded.” Mrs. Terry is 71 years old, has four grown children and seven grandchildren, and you told her she was pregnant?"

> The younger doctor continued writing and without looking up said, "Does she still have the hiccups?"

And you thought doctors had no sense of humor, shame on you.

Well, it is Super Bowl Sunday and yes, I have on my game shirt -- Steeler fan all the way.  Later I shall fix my traditional chicken wings but this year they shall be rather plain as I am not allowed spicy foods yet...damn bowel resection sure takes the fun out of eating (at least for a while).  So, it shall be salt, pepper, olive oil and baked wings for me this year.  No biggie.  Hey, the game doesn't even kick off until 6 something, so plenty of time to do things and get a nap too.

Hubby decided to crank up the snow blower and do his best to move snow off the deck and sidewalks.  Even he admitted he over did it and he'll pay the price for that number.  Well, it does beat shoveling, which he does in small burst, which is fine but he stayed out there way to long and did way too much this time..ole fool.

So, have a nice Sunday, enjoy the game and keep smiling.

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