Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Clean UP Outside TOO

On my walk this morning I was amazed at the amount of trash that is out and about. I guess when the ground was covered with snow and more snow falling it was “safe” to toss trash out--- like nobody would notice and the new snow would cover up the trash and when the snow melted, it would magically disappear! Someone should remind folks of how long it takes for things to decompose! Better yet, after the snow melted all we got left is this ugly damn trash and another place for sickness to grow.

So I guess if I want to be a good citizen I need to don rubber gloves and carry a trash bag with me on my walks, so I can pick up this damn trash and try to make our village look clean, tidy and neat, eh? Way to many of us see trash, shake our heads and walk on by and I don’t blame folks for this act. With so many diseases out and about, it makes us all a tad leery of picking up some unknown Mickey D bag or tossed Pepsi bottle. We gotta be careful but you know what, all of this would be much easier if folks just didn’t toss trash out like the village was their personal trash can. Come on, people, put a trash bag in your car or carry your trash until you find a trash container, stop dumping it alongside the streets and roads for the rest of us to deal with and shake our heads at the mess it creates! Would you want your kids playing in this trash-infested area?

Someone suggested the town should place trashcans are various locations to reduce this littering mess. Ya, that’s gonna work – NOT. Some fool will decide to haul their household trash to these cans to avoid the Waste Stream Management cost for hauling away weekly trash. What we need is a little reminder that this is our town and we need to keep it clean, tidy and picked up –hey, we all do our part and this will continue to be a great place to live! Okay, my rant is over.

Sometimes it is just fun to grab a few headlines and let them wander about in your mind, just for the pure hell of it. This morning I found an article that said Bill and Hillary Clinton are exactly the same in public and private. This friend went on to say, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard them talk about anything BUT politics.” Okay you got a choice (don’t we always?) you can believe this or not. Personally I just don’t buy it completely, how in the world does one make, “hey, I need some toilet paper,” into a political discussion? Oh I can literally see your minds racing with comments – LOL!!

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