Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I know I have ranted about this before but damnit, as long as idiots think they can toss their trash in public places and expose all of us to the smell and possible illnesses this can cause, I will rant and express how much I detest these slobs!

I know times are tough, money short and now it appears, intelligence and decency are getting the short end of the stick too.
It just irks me beyond words how some people can be so damn stupid and think this is okay. That nobody will mind or that its no big deal. I wonder what these slobs would think or
Look, its quite simple, take care of your own trash and stop using public areas as your personal dumping sight. Oh sure, it will get cleaned up and when your village taxes go up for trash removal, you can look in the mirror and know why? I pay to have my trash removed, it's not that expensive and damnit, so can you!
The header photo is the former water fountain that flowed majestically when the Norwood Grade School was in full swing. That lovely building stands, slowly being taken over by pigeons and poop but it holds many memories for tons of kids who roamed those hall ways. I wonder if water still flows to that fountain?
Remember: Some days you're the bug; some days you're the windshield.

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