Sunday, July 27, 2008


First off, I am not a real big fan of movie theaters – mostly because I usually end up having some BIG person in front of me and I can’t see the damn screen! And I tend to get antsy and find the seats a tad uncomfortable and/or confining, ya I’m real fussy!

However over the years I have become better adjusted to movie theaters and now they aren’t so difficult for me to enjoy a movie and I find going a nice change of pace. So when hubby suggests a movie, I’m usually in the car before he realizes I said YES!

Last Saturday it was Massena and the Will Smith Hancock movie – which was nice and enjoyable too. A bit over the top for me but still entertaining and I ate way too many junior mints! Now this Saturday we headed to Potsdam and saw Mamma Mia – and this was absolutely delightful. What a fantastic movie and talk about laughing? You laugh a lot during this movie and it’s a good healthy laugh. Best musical to come along in years!

It’s amazing that nobody left the theater to get more food, drinks or use a potty, everyone was glued to the screen, laughing and enjoying every scene. In fact, I could go again just to catch some of the lines I missed--- it was that entertaining! Truly a great movie and believe me Pierce Bronson’s singing ain’t half bad – however, don’t give up your day job fella!

I see our weather is playing that hide and seek number this morning – first we see some sunshine, then overcast and maybe a small ray of sunlight and back to dark clouds. Holy Martha, I am sick of this wet stuff, how about you?

Do you think we can expect August to be dry? That would be nice, eh? I feel for the farmers who just can’t get hay cut much less in the barn due this wet stuff – yuck!

Well, enjoy today and just think, next week is the last week of July – this month has flown by and I’m not sure who was driving or is that piloting? [ya, we all know who is in charge -- don't even go thar!]

Don’t let your mind wander – it’s far too small be to be let out on its own

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