Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Picture it……

Estelle Getty, the diminutive actress who spent 40 years struggling for success before landing a role of a lifetime in 1985 as the sarcastic octogenarian Sophia on TV’s “The Golden Girls,” has died. She was 84. I don’t know about anyone else but I say she made this show and I loved her comedic lines and perfect delivery. I can still hear her say; “picture it, Italy 1932, me and Benito.”

And while Estelle has found peace we got hurricane Dolly ready to show Texas how big she is and causing some major concerns. Years ago I was living in Texas when Beulah hit and man, she did a number up and down the coast – not a pretty picture and wiped out many a lovely campsite at Corpus Christie and to this day, it has never returned to its former self – sad, because that was a great spot! [college years at the beach, hidden from everyone, what a grand spot -- sadly, it is gone now, damnit!]

Ever have one of those days where you just cannot make any more excuses and must do those “little” chores that nag at you but you have ignored for months? You know, update the phone list – that’s always a bitch in my book. Some folks are no longer here, others haven’t spoken to you in months and you have scribbled all over the damn paper and now, well, now it’s time to clean up and post a list everyone can read, yuck!

Then there’s that damn “junk” drawer (maybe more than one) and it really needs to be cleaned out. Hell, you got stuff in there from 5 years ago and it needs to go! It’s amazing what we cram into this drawer and forget it and yet, we muttered every time we need to get in this drawer “what in hell is all this stuff?”

And what about those damn CD’s you got laying about, time to put them away too, right? Oh wait, you like this one, so leave it where you can get it quickly – ya, that’s what caused this pile of CD’s in the first place!

And once you start on these so called little chores, you realize you haven’t dusted in a while and that now becomes a “must” in your life too. It’s amazing when you seriously begin what was cleaning up simple, little chores becomes a full time undertaking, holy Martha, this was supposed to be quick and easy!

I 'd decided there are no "little, simple"chores, because once you start, they become monsters and require more time that you intended or planned on -- ya, ya, to all those who keep a tidy place and don't allow things to pile up, good on you, are you happy insane? Neat freaks cause me to worry -- what in hell is going on inside their heads? Do they think they'll burn in hell if things are not neat and tidy? Ya just wanna make a mess and see how long it takes them to clean it, don't ya? Hey, I'm not suggesting living like pigs or never cleaning up but getting bonkers over a little dust or watermark, that's a bit out there in my book.

Hey, whatever you do, smile and have fun. And when the rain ceases even for a few minutes, get outside and watch the grass grow that you managed to mow yesterday!

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day!

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