Sunday, December 6, 2009


Okay, like most I too must bite the bullet and give this shopping some serious consideration...ugh.

When my kids ask what Dad wants and I tell them, then my choices get smaller and smaller..duh. And lately I have either been with my daughter or husband and I can't quite shop or buy anything when they are present. So, I have been "looking, listening, and hoping" they give me some far its a deaf scene!

I admit I dislike shopping, it is not one of my fave things to do -- never has been but what I do like is watching holiday shoppers. Honestly this is a fun activity and the kids, oh man, the kids are excited and want everything and I do mean everything! I think stores should have a kids game/play room where the kids can hang out so the parents can shop without constantly having to said No, Come along or Stop or we're going home right now!

Then you got some folks who came to shop but stand in the damn aisle and gossip for longer than it takes to fix a turkey. I mean, at least move to the side or don't block the aisles for crying out loud. And then, when they do depart, you hear "call me," and two seconds later they are talking via a cell phone -- are you trying to drive me insane?

I like to see the senior cizitens shopping, they are not in a big hurry, but they have a mission and they patiently avoid running kids, rushing parents and yes even accidents that happen and people tend to think they created (not true). They smile and plod on slowly and carefully. They aren't looking for expensive stuff, just nice stuff and they know exactly what they want, just ain't gonna rush to get there...they are in no hurry. Unlike others, they have patience and time so they will let you go ahead of them and hell, if you insist on helping they carry stuff to their car, they'll let you as long as you stick close by -- walk to fast and that cane will whack you quicker than you can say stop! Gotta love'em!

Anyway, I had to get into the shopping mode and I'll shall start that on Tuesday as I join a friend and we head to Malone. We'll gossip in the car, shop, and then join others for lunch and have a grand ole time. How much we'll buy is something we can't predict but regardless, it will be fun. As for today, hey, are you completely void of brains...its football Sunday --my ass will be in front of the TV.

Keep smiling.

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