Sunday, September 21, 2008


Oh come on, there are tons of things that bug people and some just so damn silly it’s amazing we consider them bugging material. And then we have some items that reach right out and scream, “don’t you just hate that?”

Don’t believe me? Okay, let’s try a few, just for kicks – its Sunday, who cares.

· Tipping someone who hasn’t earned it only because you don’t want to look cheap (ya, like you never did this!)

· People who point at their wrist while asking for the time (do they also point lower to indicate they need to go potty?).

· That FCC allows television commercials to be as loud as the loudest part of any television program (in many cases, commercials are louder than the actual program, causing us to mute or turn down the sound, only to turn it back up when the program resumes – ya I hate this too).

· Having an acute anal itch in public (now what comment can I add to this – NONE).

· The white thread your vacuum won’t pick up no matter how many times you run over it (hey, I’ve seen people, pick up the thread, move it and put it back down and vacuum over it again and again. If you picked it up, why in hell didn’t you throw it away?).

So you get some idea of things that bug us or make us say, “don’t you just hate that?” Big deal, eh? Well, for a few seconds it gave you something to contemplate, mull over and probably now you are thinking of many other things that bug you and make you smile. See, it wasn’t such a useless subject after all.

Tis Sunday and that means FOOTBALL -- gee, do I have enuff beer for all the games? Oh that's right, drinking beer is not the only way to watch a football game -- well, I'm learning something every damn day.

I don't care if you lick windows,

take the special bus,

or occasionally pee on yourself:


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