Monday, September 15, 2008

Wind Advisory

Yup, the word is out that a wind advisory is in effect through late morning today. Guess what? A cold front continues to push across the north country this morning – huh? This is all associated with the remnants of hurricane Ike and winds gusts of 35 to 50 mph could occur as a result – however these winds will subside during the late morning and afternoon.

So grab your hats and put’em on the rack and stay inside – who in hell wants to fight winds on a Monday morning? I don’t even intend to take my walk this morning; it’ll be inside exercises this day my friends! It’s not the wind or cold front but the damn rain that makes walking unpleasant – ya, such an ole fuddy-duddy!

Football season is underway and my team, The Steelers, won yesterday and that makes me happy. I shan’t bore you with all the scores – hell, I’m only interested in my team anyway!

Has anyone noticed that all the Wal-Mart opponents have suddenly gone very quiet? Does this mean that because we now have a super Wal-Mart in Potsdam, they can’t gripe about it anymore or cause us to side with them in opposing this store? And are we to believe that those who were so adamant that it shouldn't be built, haven’t been inside, looked around and perhaps even made a purchase or two?

Progress is gonna happen and while it is sometimes hard to let go of the old “things” we must and shall move forward. Folks still shop in the downtown area, still buy from local merchants and they also shop at Wal-Mart, this is no different than when the Big N, Ames, etc was here – it’s just that now, once again, we got more options! I happen to like Wal-Mart and I think they have done a marvelous job training their employees – they are friendly, helpful, and courteous and I rarely see them standing around doing nothing—they are eager to help everyone! And guess what, even the bathrooms are clean and in my book, that says a lot about a store – clean bathrooms are a major plus in my book!

Ya I am rambling this morning – you noticed, didn’t ya? I don’t want the nice weather to end and yet, I can see that soon (damnit) it will be time to get into the winterizing mode. Putting all the patio stuff away for another year and hauling out the winter crap so it’s handy and ready for use. Don’t get me wrong, I like all the seasons, including winter but switching things around is just a pain in the ass!

Maybe more later – for now,
sit down and give your mind a rest!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was without power for 37 hours. That was plenty! :0)