Saturday, September 27, 2008


Well Moonbeam, here we go again and again thar are days when we should not listen or read because things are just flippin weird.

How about the guy with agonizing abdominal pain, he’s like 71 years old and gets told, “Based on your visit today we can tell now you are pregnant!” Makes you wonder who was working the ER that day doesn’t it?

Or the man who wakes up from surgery, which he signed to have and discovers his penis is gone and now he’s suing the hospital[claiming he wasn't told about this and would have liked a chance to get a second opinion, forget the cancer had spread and this saved his life]
and he wants is penis back! Find anything and sew it on so he'll shut is stupid mouth!

Now this one should never be tried at home…supposedly if you are trying to lose weight (hello who isn’t these days), you should have a bowl of your favorite treats (that would be candy) readily available. The challenge is to stop you from eating said candy? Are you nuts? Hide the damn stuff or better yet, don’t have it in the house and then you can really avoid it completely –why in hell punish yourself with such a dumb challenge? Hello, who has the brain cell today?

I wonder if watching cartoons would be helpful. The last time I watched cartoons was with my grand kids and I had to have them explain what these creatures were doing – it was all weird to me!

Well, are we in for a wet weekend or just a wet Saturday? Ya, I know I could check myself but why bother – regardless of the answer, it is still the weekend, right? One more week or maybe two,
and then, it will definitely be time to put away the summer stuff and get things ready for the cooler weather. I still haven’t done anything in regards to tulip planting and that needs to happen pretty soon too. Oh well, plenty of time – no need to rush – said the person who stood shoveling 5 feet of snow.

Oh by the by, does anyone remember the ole tale about caterpillars? You know, the rings around them indicate storms or some such stuff? I saw my first caterpillar the other day, thick black ring at both ends and a relatively wide gap in the middle that was brown. So does that mean we get one hell of a storm at the beginning of winter, then it turns mild and one more storm before the winter ends? Ya, what in hell do those rings mean? Keep me posted – its always fun to rattle the cages!

The more ya laugh the less ya pee!

Sorry just gotta add this -- found it on the Internet -- why keep you in suspense:

The Great Debate - no not the one tonight between McCain and Obama but the debate that is raging across the country between the two most formidable signs of winter weather.

One side is the persimmon seed. Legend is that you cut open a persimmon and if the seed is in the shape of a spoon it indicates lots of heavy snow. A knife shape means bitter cold and fork shape indicates a lighter snow/ mild winter.

The lowly woolly bear caterpillar just crawls along doing his or her thing. If it has a large band of orange color, the indication is that it will be a mild winter. If it is mostly black, then it will be a rough winter.

So, what are the candidates saying about winter? So far the persimmon seeds are all about snow. I have had 30 reports from 13 states and over 100 seeds. 98% are spoons (snow) and 2% are a knife (bitter cold). These reports come from New England through Texas. On the other hand, the caterpillar is being extreme. Nine people are seeing either an all orange or all black caterpillars. We have had 5 orange (mild) sightings and 5 black (rough winter) reports. It is still early and I may make up a special weather map based on the signs being reported.


Anonymous said...

Hey Pat,
My opinion is we are going to get snow, period! It's going to be cold, and we have to walk in it so it doesn't matter how much there is. Also it last until sometimes March, April and somtimes May. Which ever is Yuck, Yuck, Yuck. I do like all your theories. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yo Sherri,

I agree, regardess of what caterpillar myths claim, we'll get snow and enjoy every damn minute of it. Ya, let's build a snowman this year and make some angels in the snow.
Wet, damp weekend -- oh well, Sunday is football, thank goodness.

Pat said...

Sorry, trying to use my own name here instead of anon....crazy program

Anyway, thanks for the comments, have fun back to work on Monday.