Friday, August 29, 2008


Well, while I wait (stall is probably the better word) to decided when to take my morning walk, the light sprinkle is just a teasing splatter of what could easily become a downpour. Hey, I don’t mind the rain, I mean for walking purposes but a downpour is not my idea of fun. I wear glasses and sadly, I don’t have wipers on the lenses and seeing the world through spots is not exactly pleasant!

In the meantime I took a gander at the headlines – hell, these alone cause one to shake his or her head. A nine year old boy is so good pitching a ball that he’s not being allowed to do this and the team is being disbanded and dispersed – what the hell is going on!

We got a celebrity headed into rehab – hey, this is nothing new, every other week this happens but this time, its for – wait for it – sex addiction! Are you kidding me? What in hell kind of treatment or help do you get in rehab for this addiction? Ya, makes you wonder, don’t it?

Oh how sweet a baby elephant has been reunited with her Mama – and now the tears have stopped – isn’t that sweet! This was breaking news folks, we couldn’t sleep without reading about this – damn, I am so much better now!

Oh you’ll love this one – colleges around the country are ditching cafeteria trays to lower water and energy use and to prevent wasted food. Now how will those kids carry their food, oh, in dishes that they’ll drop, which will break upon contact with the floor and this is safer and going green – ya, I get it, how stupid to think we used trays all these years and never thought this was wasteful.

Freezer sales heat up as folks try to save money on food costs. Hey, you got a freezer; you can buy in bulk and save money – duh! Damn when did we suddenly realize that folks had a brain and used it – this is just another example of how stupid we are to believe this is something new in our lives!
Why is it so hard to swat a fly? Ya, I can tell you really are interested in this study (damn we spend money on some pretty weird stuff). The brains of flies are wired to avoid the swatter, U.S. researchers said on Thursday. At the mere hint of a threat, the insects adjust their preflight stance to flee in the opposite direction, ensuring a clean getaway; they said in a finding that helps explain why flies so easily evade swipes from their human foes. These movements are made very rapidly, within about 200 milliseconds – sorry, we can’t swat that fast, hence the fly get-away!

King of the Pasture: Chilli, a Brobdingnagian bovine knows how to stand tall. The cow in England is 6-foot-6 and weighs more than a ton. I don’t know about you, but I ain’t messing with this cow – holy cow shit!

Well, have you had enough of the daily news updates? Now you can really prepare for the weekend, right? Well, the sprinkles aren’t getting any worse, so I am off for my walk – what the hell, I know how to swim in case it gets really bad out there – wish me luck and oh, you have a lovely day, okay?

Scratch a dog and you’ll find a permanent job!

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