Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Damp Weather

What is it about continual wet weather that dampens our spirits and energy levels? Is it the fact that wet weather means staying inside? Hell, half of us stay inside anyway because it’s too damn hot to be outside except early morning or late evening, so that doesn’t make much sense!

Is it the mere idea that if we go outside we’ll get wet, our hair will get damp and our clothes will smell from dampness? While all of these concepts have merit it does not explain why our energy levels go down and all we want to do is curl up with a book, watch TV or take a nap! Hey, we all need “down” days and there is nothing wrong with doing nothing – hell; nothing is good for you too. In my simple mind, there is something magical about wet weather that can invoke so many emotions and cause so much upheaval in people’s lives. It just flat out amazes me and I don’t know why!

So here is my suggestions – what the hell, its stuff we should do or should have done weeks ago, so why not make it a wet day plan? Let’s start with those junk drawers, yes we all have them and for months we have thrown crap into them and well, it’s time to clean them out. Some stuff we ain’t ever gonna use and should have been tossed months ago, so toss it all ready!

Now move on to the closets – hell, we got clothes we haven’t worn in years and most likely we’ll never fit into again anyway. And if my some miracle we did, they’d be so outdated people would point at us and say; “thrift shop or costume party?” Ya, like we want that notation! Same-same with those pairs of shoes that line the closet floor or some hanging shoe bag – how many damn pairs of shoes do we need hanging around anyway? Time to sort and toss them out too or take them to good will.

Now we’re really getting our energy level up and perhaps we can tackle the basement – oh ya, that hole in the ground where we have stacked boxes, trunks and bags for months – time to go through them too. Toys our children played with and those kids are now grandparents – do we really need to keep them or should we give them to our kids? Hell let them store them and free up the basement, which could be fixed up and become our hiding spot or craft area or sewing center or even a quiet place to have a nice glass of wine.

The point is we do not need to permit the wet weather to control our emotions or invoke this damn low energy level. It’s our job to make any weather work for us and we can do it – we just gotta change our attitudes.

As for me, I’m taking a nap! Or maybe I’ll haul out the crock pot and try a new recipe --- I just refuse to let wet weather dictate how I shall conduct my daily life.

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