Friday, January 23, 2009


I gotta tell ya, some folks are just flat ass lucky. The Norwood Lake is not completely frozen but we got snowmobilers who will cross it regardless and could care less.

This kind of stupidity or need to challenge the elements is gonna see folks "in the water"and sleds lost until Spring. I'm all for having fun, but common sense would be helpful too. Let's be careful out there -- shall we?


Ever have one of those days where you just feel – well – blah? Nothing really wrong, but you just seem to want something, want to do something and at the same time, don’t want to do a damn thing!

Ya, it’s a real mystery and it happens to everyone – which is kind of cool, at least it means you’re not alone! Part of me wants to don my “layers” and head outside and snowshoe and part of me just wants to watch the Australian Open Tennis matches (which is a pisser as I can go on line and ascertain who won yesterday and that kind of makes watching the match a bit –well – dumb!). Plus there’s this spitting type rain, which makes me think “aw sheet, it’s gonna get slick, damnit!” Just to repeat myself, I do not like walking on ice – and no, I cannot walk on water either, so I am as they politely say it - screwed!

Okay, let’s try this rambling – am I the only one who thinks January is moving along damn quickly? I mean, come on, just a few short weeks ago we were ringing in the New Year and making stupid resolutions, which we’ll never keep and now, we got one more week and this month is over! Now some folks think this month can’t move fast enough because February means – they are off to Florida. Not me, I’m headed there, hopefully in April. By then the Florida waters are warmer and I can truly enjoy being in the water. Aside from the "cabin fever"plans I still maintain January is scooting by pretty damn quickly and hey, maybe that is a good thing. Again, I do like winter and although winter weather limits some of my activities, I still find it an amazing time of year. I also happen to think, folks are nicer to each other in cold weather -- don't ask me why, it just happens. We are more apt to stop and help someone who is stuck in the snow vs stopping because some fool ended up in the ditch on a hot summer day. Think about it -- ya, I'm right -- you think the same thing!

Enuff of this rambling – I’m gonna watch some Tennis and you know what, I'm gonna blow the bloody damn diet too -- bring on those wonderful, thigh-filling donuts -- holy mother of fat are they good!

As Maxine says: Got my coffee, got my cigarettes, got my computer and took my Prozac …it’s gonna be a great day! (Damn we gotta get her off those damn cigs!)


Anonymous said...

Yeah,yesterday was a Blah day! :0(

I feel better today! Hope you do too! :0)

Pat said...

Much better today Moonbeam, blah has passed and now, I pay the price for blowing my diet. Well, not really but I shouldn't have had all those damn donuts!

Stay warm, wind chill thru Sunday and it's a bitch minus 21 - ouch!