Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well I don’t look quite this jolly but getting there. I have made a firm decision that without fail, I am going to attempt snow shoeing this morning.

I have had my breakfast and just allowing it to settle before I tackle the “clothing” I will need to stay warm (which is silly, once I get out and move, I warm up fast and having too much on is sweat-city). Then I need to find my “snow pants” those slick suckers that allows snow to fall off vs stick to you.[damn, I can't find them, wonder where in hell I stuck them?] Finally once I get all this done I shall head to the garage and begin the lovely art of putting the snow shoes on.

Oh that sounds simple enough and hopefully it will be simple this year. After all, I have an entire year of walking under my belt, I have lost 15 pounds and I can bend a bit easier these days, so I shouldn’t have any huge issue hooking these snowshoes around my boots, right? Ya wish me luck, I’ll report back in about an hour.

Whew! What a workout, Mama Mia that has me sweating big time! First I had to remember how to hook the snowshoes on and while that sounds easy enough, it does require a bit of flexibility and realization that straps only go one way – damn! Once on I was anxious to go and then, sheet, where in hell are my poles? Ya, didn’t prepare completely for this outing but hey, I found the poles easily enuff and out the door I went.

My goal was to go around my backyard three times –hey, cut me some slack this was my first snowshoe outing for 2009. It felt so damn good and while my legs ached and started to scream; “slow down, quit, for crying out loud, stop this crap,” I kept going and yes, I made it around three times. Then decided I could circuit the entire house, go around the front and back yards and off I went. I think I may have pushed myself a bit too much, got a slight ach in my gut but hey, it will go away. Oh, taking off the snowshoes was another exercise -- gotta remember how those damn straps release too -- talk about a memory game, ye gads!

Oh well, I am back inside, cooling down and I can't begin to express how nice it felt to (1) be outside and (2) snowshoe. I love being outside and as the temp is 25 degrees, the weather was great too. It just feels good to suck in that cold morning air. I would love to take a long walk but again, icy sidewalks and me don't work well together -- falling and breaking a hip is not on my agenda for this year!

Here’s the plant in full bloom – ain’t she pretty? Yes, I can name it too -- Amaryllis! Actually this is my husband "baby" and he's really proud of her -- she is growing up very fast.

My son called from Minnesota around 8:30 this morning, he said, "Mom, it's friggin cold here -- its 31 below zero!" My reply KEEP IT THERE!

Oh Moonbeam, thanks for the new word - craptastic -- love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, glad you like the word craptastic, but I think it's only *new* to you! :0)

Pretty flower! Did YOU grow it all by yourself?? I thought you had black thumbs, not green ones!? :0)

Have a good today & tomorrow! :0)