Thursday, July 30, 2009

Weigh In

Okay, today is weigh-in day, the day I sweat over whether I lost any weight or some such shit. Actually, I sweat because I have (1) been to Curves, (2) went for a walk or (3) did either the Wii Fit or Wii Active any of these result in me sweating...tada.

The thing that I want to see drop and I mean DROP is that freakin BMI number. I swear, whatever the magical number is for your height, one pound over and you are obese..that sucks! So as my BMI came down some points this week, I be a happy camper -- can you see this smile?

Anyway, I am joining Moonbeam for lunch and we're gonna laugh our asses off -- well, if I can laugh my ass off, that will be something, she's tall and skinny -- the gal needs to fatten up! More later, you all have a great day-- hey, the sun is shining, love it.

When I was young we used to go "skinny dipping," now I just "chunky dunk."

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