Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fitness vs. Weather

Yes, I know, you are sick of this wet stuff and wonder what in hell happened to those summers when we actually had sunshine, warmth and wished for rain! Well, it ain’t happening so get over it and move on, ok?

A friend suggested I try the Wii Active program. Now, remember I have the Wii Fit program and was doing that during the cold weather but – well – the warmer weather was seeing me more outside and I just did not use this program on – plus I went on trips, etc. Ya, Ya, any excuse to justify why I quit is what you're thinking and you're right! Happy?

Now Wii Active is slightly different (it’s also cheaper) and this is – sorry folks—a kick ass workout! There is no other way to say or write that – it just flat out kicks ass! The 30-day workout program focuses on particular exercises and body parts on different days, while the intensity gradually increases as you get going.

The exercises themselves are grouped into four categories - cardio, upper body, lower body and sports. Players will almost always take part in running [the “guide” makes you want to slap her down as she reminds you run faster or set a good pace – hey, Sweetheart, if I could run, I would be jogging and not walking, hello – shin splints ----) and walking drills, which call upon the leg strap and Nunchuck, while there are also a number of stretches that tend to make an appearance more often than not.

I quickly discovered some exercises required a bit more space as I did the leg lunges and some other moves – holy sheet. This is the real motivator – “if done correctly, nearly all of the exercises feel like they are fighting the flab, and even on the lower intensity levels (that would be me), you’re almost always guaranteed to work up a sweat (sweat? Hell I am practically drowning). Hey, I really dig the kick boxing, that's really cool, thighs ached like hell the next day, but I'm gonna stick with this exercise -- it really is a hoot!

At first I was having issues with the leg strap -(oh the instructions are clear enough, goes around your right thigh, tighten to keep in place -- but damnit, as I moved, my thigh shrunk and the sucker fell off) - so I had to solve that issue, really tighten that sucker and it stays on -- leg turns blue but hey, it's only for 30 minutes! Then the Nunchunk - just another controller (silly name, eh)-- this sucker supposedly can only fit in the leg strap one way -- hello, I figured out three freakin ways and none worked -- well, one finally did and now I was golden. Like I said, a few issues!

So, I have FOUR exercise programs: Curves (which I really enjoy and feel has seen me drop inches), Walking, Wii Fit and now Wii Active. In addition I have stopped being a smartass and resumed keeping track (writing down) what I eat and staying with my allotted points – aka Weight Watchers.

Yes, of course I want to lose some of these pounds (or resume smoking, no, just kidding) but I also want to retain or gain even more flexibility - hey you know me, staying above ground is always a good goal -- one everyone can relate too, right?

So weather it rains, snows, is windy or sunny and dry, I will do my exercises and no more excuses (at least for this 30-day challenge or when I take off on some trip -- I looking at trip possibilities daily).

So that's my weather vs fitness story and I'm sticking to it. Now, what in hell is your excuse? Sure, go ahead, sit on your fat arse and complain about how much weight you have gained and how you can hardly move. Look, sheet for brains, you know how to walk, right? Get up and walk!!!

If you looked this good at 60 you’d be smiling too!


Moonbeam said...

Ok, so my FIRST question is: Why isn't Moose chasing after that deer in the back ground?? OR, did you photo shop it? :0)

Second question is: WHEN are WE going someplace??? :0)

I move, I am flexible, I eat, I drink, & Drink, &, oh yeah, Did I mention DRINK??? LOL!! :0)

Yeah, Good on you for moving & exercising... but when can WE party?? :0)

Pat said...

Moonbeam, Moose is so use to the deer and the deer are so use to him, neither minds what in hell happens in that yard...wild.

Ya, we gotta come up with a get-a-way and soon!

Oh this exercising is something else -- I need to keep at this -- sore at the moment but it'll get better.

Keep smiling!!!