Friday, July 3, 2009

Aggressive Birds

Ya, I know, why in hell do we buy bird seed this time of year? Well, we like to spoil our feathered friends and we also want to keep them coming to your back yard, so we feed them. See, that was simple!

Having said that let me quickly add I do NOT feed that as much or as often as I do when the cold weather is here and finding food (any food) is difficult. BUT, you just knew there was gonna be a “but” didn’t you?

It seems some of these bloody birds are just not greedy but damn aggressive too. In this case those damn Grackles and why I capitalized the first letter is beyond me because I do not find these creatures all that appealing and in fact, annoying and bloody damn hogs! Plus in their quest to insure they get more than their fair share of the food in the feeders, they pounce on them and it’s like the “how many can be fit into the telephone booth” number and eventually, the poor feeder just flat out collapses and breaks!

Okay, some breakage can be “possible” wind damage as we have had some pretty high winds but come on; these grackles are almost like crows who resemble small turkeys so there is a weight issue here! And as they are possessive, greedy, aggressive and mean, the poor little golden finches (whom I call peeks) can hardly get any food. This is one good reason to hang those sock-like feeders for them. Even the grackles can’t get into these because it does mean hanging on and they can’t – stupid grackles!!!

Yes, it’s Friday, almost every business or office is closed today and most folks are enjoying a 3-day weekend – hurrah! Every village is offering something and I happen to think Norwood is stopping all that chatter about “when I was a kid, we did this and had that,” etc. They have spent countless hours developing a very good 4th of July celebration, starting tonight on the Village Green with the annual Block Dance. Tomorrow a huge parade, over 15 floats, various marching bands, fire departments, youth and church groups and so on. Then over to the firemen’s field for more fun, games, oxen-driven carts for kid rides, etc. So, come to Norwood and have some fun and hey, behave responsibly. One request, pick up after yourself – don’t ask volunteers to “police” the area because you are too damn lazy to put your trash in a trash can, or put your cans in a recycle bin…let’s be a bit grown up here, okay? Thank you!

Well, it hasn’t started to rain too much yet and today I have decided to grill with the charcoal grill, food just seems to taste better. So I am heading outside to fire that sucker up and in the process, grabbing a beer to sip as I wait for the proper temp. Hey, you all have a great day and let’s truly celebrate our Independence tomorrow…oh, you might want to stop and give a silent pray of thanks to those men and women who allow us to maintain and enjoy this independence and freedoms today too…what a novel concept!!!

P.S.: I’m thinking paint gun to keep these Grackles in line, whatcha think???

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