Saturday, December 13, 2008


It is safe to say or even claim that growing up on a farm you just had to get up early. Now it wasn’t like I had to go out and milk cows, but once the boys were awake and making noise, any thought of continued sleep was useless.

Trust me, there was plenty of things to do regardless of sex and if you stayed inside, you helped stoke the fires and prepared breakfast and if you went to the barn, you collected eggs, help feed the cows and if you got really lucky you got to shove manure too. Now that is a wake up call you never forget! What a lovely aroma – coffee can never top that smell!

Actually once anyone started rumbling around, it was pretty hard to stay in bed, the noise level just got higher and most figured if they were up, so should the rest and laying it bed was wasting a perfectly good day! Hey in a big family, sleeping in was never truly tolerated and someone would insure you got up anyway, so you might as well just get up and stop moaning about it.

Now it has been many years since I was on the farm or even had any reason to continue this early morning rising but it is to ingrained, I continue to do it to this day (much to the puzzlement of my husband who cannot for the life of time understand why any sane person would be up at this hour).

I love the stillness of the morning and witnessing “day break,” and seeing what the day will look like – after it being so dark. It’s magical, mysterious and amazing. And if you go outside, there’s a stillness that just engulfs you and you just inhale it and keep it with you all day. Ok, too philosophical for you at this hour, right?

At 5:30 daylight has not really started however a full moon was shining brightly and I grabbed my camera, pair of boots and headed outside. Like a fool I thought a few clicks and I’ll be back inside, no need to put on a coat. Hey, dumber than a box of rocks, it’s 4 below zero; a coat would have been nice! Next time check the temps before you rush out the door to “embrace” a new day or we’ll find you frozen to the ground!

Regardless of my stupidity, I got some great shots and yes, I plan to share them. Let me know what you think and if you want any put cursor on the photo, right click and click on “save picture as,” and then put it on your computer. Yup, it’s that simple – see you did learn something today!!!

Yes, this is a moon light source showing the ice, snow and frozen berries...amazing!

This was taken around 5:30 -- Moon is still shining bright and man, it was cold but so peaceful.

Now the sun is just starting to rise over downtown Norwood -- peaceful, cold and quiet.

This one was taken earlier in the week -- just kind of caught my eye.

Hey, you all have a grand ole day -- oh hell, get out there and finish up that Christmas shopping, might as well join the rest of the folks and endure the holiday crowds!! Just smile, be polite and remember this is the season to GIVE!!


WiseAcre said...

nice early morning moon shot. I want to get a shot like that but getting up before sunrise is against my religion. I don't miss the dairy days and my life as a sinner.

Pat said...

Yo Wiseacre, I think my husband would like me to sin and stay in bed but I'm just an early riser. My Dad use to tell us; "you need to put in 15 hours of hard labor or you ain't worked a lick all day." He was a tough, strong man but so damn loveable.

Ya, the moon shots are great but baby it was flippin cold out there.