Monday, June 9, 2008

Mow, Wait, Mow, Wait

Yeah, I am in a holding pattern. First off I volunteered to mow the lawn, which is no big deal – riding lawnmower and all. This also allows me to work on retaining my Florida tan so it’s a good volunteer act. Second, it looks like rain, it rained during the night, the grass is wet and now, it’s do I mow or do I wait and allow the grass to dry a bit more?

In the meantime, I went and got my oil changed and annual car inspection. I think my mechanic is right, why wait until the end of the month when everyone will rush to do this number. Schedule it early and get it over with, the price doesn’t change – same whether you do it early in the month or at the end of the month!

Some guy was saying gas prices are gonna go up again today, and may go up twice in one day. Let me give you a vivid picture of this gas crap. At 9am I paid $4.19 per gallon, by 9:30 the price was now $4.23 and who in hell knows what it will be by this afternoon! That Grasshopper is some damn expensive gas!

What with these prices (and damn that’s all we seem to talk about these days) it’s no wonder more and more families are planting gardens this year. Hey, in Norwood there are some really well thought out and planted gardens and I mean, folks took their time and plotted where this and that should go and how much distance they needed, etc. These are some truly nice looking garden plots. Now I just hope when things ripen and they start freezing or caning, they know how to do it properly or read or take some class so they don’t make themselves sick!

So while I wait and remain undecided I took my macro lens and snapped some weed flowers. Hey, they may be weeds but they sure are pretty flowers. Ya, I’ll whack’em down when I mow but for now, I captured them on film. More another day…keep smiling, it drives other bonkers trying to figure out what in hell you’re smiling about!!!

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