Monday, June 30, 2008


Yup, this will be a short week for many folks as the 4th of July is on Friday and many businesses will give employees Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday off--- that makes for a nice, long weekend!

I just hope that whatever your plans you take the time to watch your village’s parade. They spend considerable time organizing these parades and deserve a good turn out. I know the one in Norwood has gotten larger each year and it’s really fun to watch this parade and see folks remember to show respect every time the American flag passes by (men remove hats, women and children put hand over the heart). And the folks in the parade are smiling; friendly and usually giving away some treat, much to the enjoyment of the younger set.

While reading the Sunday newspapers I noticed Massena is bloody arse serious about swimming pools. Hey, you got a pool that contains 24 inches or greater of water, you need a permit; it has to have a 4’ high barrier and if there’s a pump involved, a GFI inspection too. And according to the paper, the local officials intend to enforce these laws! All in the hope of saving lives – remember, one can drown in 2 inches of water and 24 inches (that’s about knee high on an adult) is sufficient to cause some horrible accident. I know it sounds silly and an expense we don’t want but learning a child has drowned due to negligence is not something anyone would want to live with!

Had a day off from the Wimbledon matches, no play on Sunday but today things are back in full swing. However, its a nice day and I doubt I'll sit inside watching tennis very much...I want to get out and snap a few photos and of course, have errands to run as well.

In many various wanderings I stopped over at the Norwood Swimming area on Sunday. Although a muggy day and I suspected many would be over here cooling off, however it was not crowded and those there definitely were enjoying the water and cool breeze under the trees and in the picnic area. I was really impressed to see folks being mindful of their own messes, meaning picking up their own trash and disposing of it vs. letting it lie or blow about. Hey, make no mistake Norwood resident take pride in their community and as tax payers would rather see our village employees fixing potholes vs. picking trash we just tossed aside with no worries. We'll take care of our garbage and let the village take care of the pot holes and busted sidewalks.

Okay, that’s my Monday morning madness – I tried being good but I got bored!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your granddaugther is in the parade here in Minnesota as part of "Dance Class". And Mr. Alex has been asked to rollerblade as part of a hockey(ya, image a hockey float in Warroad). Mr. Kyle is a little upset he asked for the day off so he could attend the parade. Mom and Dad get to sit back enjoy the parade then rush to the end to collect our kids.

Have a great fourth.