Saturday, June 7, 2008

Gadgets, Wallets & Purses

I don’t care what sex you are, we all have been exposed to and bought into the gadget advertisements, explored and had to buy a new wallet and for women finding the right purse is like finding the right man!

I decided I would try the over the shoulder expandable organizer bag. I travel quite a bit and supposedly this would make life much easier, hell the ads claim there’s room for two water bottles. Bull, by the time I got what I needed from one purse into this bag, cramming a water bottle in there would have been pushing the envelope and I mean pushing a HUGE envelope!

While this is a nice bag, has that lovely leather smell, it has more damn compartments than the Pavlov Dog experiment. Sorry I don’t care to “rummage” through my bag to find my wallet, keys, etc., and have people thinking;
“oh shit, this fool doesn’t know where anything is OR great a damn mental patient and this is her first EVER purse!" [Oh come on, you have seen these people in line, and probably thought this or worse, so don’t give me that crap, you know what I am talking about here!]

Plus the over the shoulder strap – if you are tall this works but I’m pushing 5 feet and I mean pushing to claim 5 feet in height and no matter how much I adjusted that strap, this did not work for me. I had one boob supported by this strap while the bag itself was unsure if it should hang on my hip, tummy or rush around and rest on my ass! In essence, it was not comfortable and nearly choked the living shit out of me too!

Guess what? Ya, you can see what’s coming, can’t ya? That shoulder bag has gone into a closet with all the other purses (thankfully there are not many) and shall remain there until hell freezes! My ole purse shall work nicely and I am one happy camper once again.

But hey, by all means, try the over the shoulder expandable organizer bag – and good luck to you!


Anonymous said...

So, you got sucked in by an *As seen on TV* commercial, didn't you?? LOL!! It has a money back garuntee! Send it back! :0)

Cute Grandkids! :0)

Pat said...

Sucked in is putting it mildly, I really thought this would work. They should say works best if you are this tall or something.

Naw, I'll keep it, maybe later I'll find a use --fishing bag or something.

Anonymous said...

You've been pushing at 5 your whole life aren't ya tired yet