Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Whew! For some unknown reason, the energy rabbit hit me yesterday and after I finished my morning walk, I was willing to take on other, physically demanding projects. I don’t know if I was willing or “something” forced them on me, but suffice to say, projects happened, okay?

Our garage was looking like a sand pile and that needed to be moved. Now, you do not sweep this stuff out – unless you like standing in a dust bowl! You get the shop Vac and you vacuum it – and it is a slow process. During which, at least in my case, you want to knock dirt off the filter and empty the canister before it fills up completely (or you can’t lift the damn thing). And of course, certain items need to be moved so you can vacuum as much crap as possible.

It is amazing how much sand, grit and junk collects on tires and takes up residence in a garage. I mean, there’s piles of this crap and while we have a good shop Vac it needs time to suck up all this stuff, so it’s a slow process. Then of course, certain items get moved and locations changed because now “things” look better somewhere else (this usually drives Hubby bonkers because now he can’t find anything – not that he’d use it if found, but it makes him happy to bitch about moving HIS stuff).

In addition, hubby is not as –how shall I put this – attentive to cleaning the riding lawn mower as me. I do not want all this mowed grass left on the mower, yuck! So, I took the lawn mower out and hosed it down,and of course, had to yank some clumps that has taken up residence and in quick order I was nearly as wet as the damn mower. Oh well, it's clean now and why, it just shines!

Hey, the best part was I got it all done and then the rains came and it rained all afternoon! Hell, it is raining now and it’s a new day. Tell me, did we ask for all this rain? Are our water levels low? Do our fields need water? What in hell is up with all this wet weather?

Well, today I shall venture to Wal-Mart, have a few items to get before my trip to Minnesota and a rainy day is a good one to shop. I detest shopping but I need things so I must go – do it quick and doesn’t hurt as much. Then I can come home and watch more Tennis – yes, the French Open and NO it’s not over yet!

“I’m out of bed and dressed, what more do you want?”

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