Thursday, June 5, 2008


My blog today is dedicated to the memory of my mother, Eva S. Dean. She went “home” six years ago on this date and is missed very much by her family and friends.

Mom was 87 years young when she left us and many of us felt she died of loneliness as her husband, our father, had died two years earlier. They were a very devoted couple and had just celebrated 66 years of marriage in May 2000. They raised seven children and needless to say, had some trying moments but they loved us and we knew that above all else.

We didn’t always agree with them and found the “ole” ways hard to accept but we learned a great deal from them and of course, our sense of humor came from both. Mom’s was more open and heard frequently while Dad’s was quieter and kind of crept up on you!

I read this in some book; “Life is not fixed or owned. Our bodies are merely rented for a short while. When time is up, like all things, they must be returned.” While this is a somewhat complex thought, it also makes one wonder – if are renting these bodies, did we get to choose or was this it, take it or leave it? Ya mull that one over for awhile!

Thanks Mom for all the wonderful memories, we miss you and love you. Go rest high on that mountain, your job here on Earth is done!

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