Saturday, June 28, 2008


Okay, memory time. Remember pulling the petals off this flower and reciting “loves me, loves me not?” Or maybe you have a different saying but this flower was used for many an attempt to confirm or deny something happening in your life. I remember using it to learn whether or not we’d hay that day, “hay or no hay, hay or no hay!” It never worked, if Dad decided to cut hay, hay was cut it was that bloody simple!

The other day I bought this windmill bird feeder – hey, it is quite nice and looks great in the yard. I also bought feed for this feeder, which was totally stupid for this time of year. But I filled the feeder and sat back and waited for the birds to show up so I could see them. The only thing that I fed with any real gluttonous results were crows and let me tell you, they don’t need any assistance from us humans. Have you see the size of these crows lately--- small turkeys for crying out loud. Anyway, with an abundance of food all around the yard, trees, and wooden area, that bird feeder will not be filled again until Fall or this winter, when seeds are truly needed – amen!

Watching the local gardens and I gotta say, (1) these are well plotted plots, (2) are being maintained nicely and (3) weed free. My son has a garden in Minnesota and he says gardening is relaxing. He loves to go out and water his garden, weed it or just stand and look at the items growing and amazed at what actually does produce the goods! He too keeps his garden very well maintained and he tends to water it every day. As for me, I have two tomatoes plants and they are doing nicely they even have two tomatoes on them and I haven't killed them yet!

As you might imagine I have been eye-deep in Wimbledon matches lately. Yeah, I am a big tennis fan. It’s hard to sit here and watch American after American eliminated though. Hard to witness James Blake and Andy Roddick done the first week – ye gads, what is up with these men? Then we have the current number one player, Roger Federer who is hoping to win SIX Wimbledon championships in a row – whew, what will be a feat if accomplished. And trying to stop him and win his first Wimbledon we have the French Open Champion Rafa Nadal. Ya I can tell you are deeply interested in this subject -- well, it's a sport I happen to like and as mentioned before, still play if I can find someone to hit the courts with me!

So the weekend is here – hurrah. Oh by the way, in case you are interested my Indian name is – Runs With Beer! Have a great weekend!

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